Success is buried in the garden of failure.

The past has infinite value if one learns from it.

People like Frank Zappa were amazing for us Brits.

Ive been married three times and divorced three times.

I've been married three times and divorced three times.

Tales From Topographic Oceans is like a woman's padded bra.

It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it.

It was both exciting and frustrating to work with an orchestral group.

I am a very extreme sort of character, as I don't do things by halves.

I actually never knew Peter Green but I do respect his early work very much.

Sacrifice - the future has it´s price, and today is only yesterday's tomorrow.

All of us would like for everybody to be the kind of person we want them to be.

I avoid preset sounds wherever possible, and all the sounds I use I have edited.

Apparently I'm well-known for my stories, my raconteur tales, that sort of thing.

There's a fine line between angry and grumpy. Angry isn't nice, but grumpy is funny.

When I die, I'll probably climb out of the coffin and play the organ at my own funeral!

I cut out bread, I don't eat after 6 P.M., and I go on walks, and it's had a great effect.

Liszt was a bit of a rock and roller at heart, but he was a bit of a puritan on his sounds.

I'm a Freemason, and we love to celebrate Burns' night: piping in the haggis, the whole lot.

People often forget this - a vinyl album could only contain a maximum of 20 minutes per side!

My life revolves around music and always will. I need to be a part of music and not an observer.

Preservation of human life generally outweighs some stupid code about returning objects on time.

We're just helping out the Christians by bringing about the apocalypse. They can all go to heaven

If there were Satan, I would gladly sell my soul to him to prevent Sting from making another record.

I am a Yes fan, ultimately. I've been a member of the band, but I was always a fan of the band first.

The secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place.

I lived in an area where there were a lot of rock musicians, and we got together regularly in our studios.

Actually, I only left twice. I left then, and then rejoined literally two years later for Going For The One.

I'm looking at the world as a Global space rather than looking at the world as where I am or where they are.

I was born in 1949 - which seems like a long time ago... Actually, it is a long time ago, when I think about it.

Coming back to Yes is like never having left. Even when I have not been in the band, I have always felt part of it.

There must be something wrong with the mirrors in our house because every single one I gaze into makes me appear somewhat overweight.

If you want to capitulate to what commercial needs are, you can always be commercially valuable, but I'm not interested in being that.

When the first list was being drawn up in the rock and roll book of Genesis, it would have been: In the beginning, God created Pink Floyd.

My dad died in 1980, and I found out afterwards from mum that my piano lessons, which cost £2 a week, took up nearly a third of his income.

The studio is not the place to write. You need to be 75% ready when you go into the studio, and then the music can develop to the next stage.

'Tales From Topographic Oceans' is like a woman's padded bra. The cover looks good, but when you peel off the padding, there's not a lot there.

I joined Yes in July 1971. I had heard Yes live, as Strawbs had supported them at a gig in Hull. I thought they were amazing - incredibly different.

I always write lyrics first and the rhythm and the melody come from the lyrics. It always comes from the lyrics: words have rhythm and words have melody.

THE GODS was my first professional band and I learned a lot during that time. It was very cool playing with so many great musicians as it helped me to learn.

I always say that it's about breaking the rules. But the secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place.

No regrets, it's always moving forward and feeling like I did the right things for the right reasons. It's good music with good people, that's what I'm about.

There is a great temptation with songs, melodies and lyrics to overcomplicate them but in fact, you find that the most enduring melodies are often the simplest.

Country and western is the music of the devil. Thats the real truth of the matter. My late Mother, bless her, loved country and western. God, I couldnt handle it.

But I'd play on everything from pop records to a lot of the glam stuff to rock stuff to classical stuff. I used to get called to do all those things, it was great.

Country and western is the music of the devil. That's the real truth of the matter. My late Mother, bless her, loved country and western. God, I couldn't handle it.

Visible Faith is an expression of my Christian faith which must be visible to be real! I gave the name to the collection of musicians who worked with me on the record.

Even the two times that I left, I never really felt like I left the band. It's very bizarre. It's like there's sort of an umbilical cord that stretches between us spiritually.

My eyes are green, and in one of them there is a splash of brown - apparently it is not a colour, but a freckle! Sometimes I notice that one eyelid droops more than the other.

When I left HEEP I didn't know what I wanted! It took me a long time to adjust to life away from the band and the only thing I knew was that I didn't want to repeat my mistakes!

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