I don't use old music.

I listen to old music, man.

I don't really listen to my old music.

Old music used to mean something. There is none of that today.

Very old music is, like, 11th century in my mind. That's very old.

I listen to a lot of old music, like Joni Mitchell and David Bowie.

Old music is the same as new music - it's just a different way of delivering it.

If you're only a fan of the old music, that music's gonna wind up sounding even older.

I listen to all kinds of music - new music, old music, music of my colleagues, everything.

Classic rock, psychedelic rock - I like to dig up old music and see what I can get influenced by.

I have no idea about the state of rap. I don't pay attention. I just listen to old music that I have.

My brother's 21 years older than me, so I grew up doing more adult things. Like listening to old music.

When I listen to old music, that's one of the few times that I actually have a kind of love for humanity.

I don't listen to my old music of Vanity's unless I have to hear it playing in a mall or something place like that.

As me being somebody that makes arguably nostalgic music, I cannot stand when somebody tries to make old music just to sound old.

When I was young, my parents made me listen to old music and watch Jimmy Durante. I fell in love with the whole mystique of acting and entertainment.

But I'm really into old music - bluesy, soulful singers, like Etta James, Ray Charles, and Aretha Franklin. I wouldn't have minded being born in the 1960s!

All old music was modern once, and much more of the music of yesterday already sounds more old-fashioned than works which were written three centuries ago.

I remember a moment when the Prince went back to his old school, Grammar School in Melbourne, and slightly to his horror his old music teacher produced a cello.

I really like the grittiness of early Amon Tobin - I'm a huge fan of his old music, and I tried to borrow from it, not emulate it. I don't love my own original work.

You used to have to sing and convey emotion, and now, well, technically you can do anything with technology. It sucks for music today, but that's why that old music feels so good to me.

Nowadays, there are seven music directors in one film. I had never heard of such a thing before. If one of our old music directors was told to share a score with others, he would have left the assignment.

I don't think the music that I do is nostalgic in any way; I don't think about going back to nice, old-fashioned music. I'm certainly influenced by old music, but I want to bring it slap-bang up to today.

I like digging around. I'm a real magpie. I used to raid the old music shops in the early '50s in Paris and Brussels. You could pick up some incredible and often valuable music for almost nothing back then.

My pops put me on to Jay-Z and Kanye, and my discoveries would be like Future and Kendrick Lamar. I turned my pops on to Kendrick, Young Thug. I feel my mom made me play the Isley Brothers and real, real old music.

Many old music hall fans were present at the funeral today of Fred 'Chuckles' Jenkins, Britain's oldest and unfunniest comedian. In tribute, the vicar read out one of Fred's jokes, and the congregation had two minutes silence.

It's been really interesting watching people's reactions to the new music, to the old music and also watching how modern young people will be standing in front of something going on like live music, and there's a camera in front of their face.

I think my style is quite grungy and punky. I love the '90s and the music from that time, and I love punk music. I'm also a fan of mixing vintage with some high fashion, which links back to my musical taste because I tend to mix old music with newer songs.

I think that this television medium, or whatever we call it now, is a really great frontier to turn people onto music - to new music or old music. It's a great platform where you've got people's ears, and you can throw something at them. I like to use it to the fullest that I can.

The thing with me is, about that - about rock and all that - years and years of crate-digging, listening to old music, you kind of start to connect the dots. And I was seeing the thread that was connecting everything together, which is pretty much the blues. And everything soul or funk kind of starts with that.

People don't realize how much it means to your music to record on tape, whether it be for new music or old music. People don't realize how much or how imperative it is to use actual hardware when making drums because those are actual percussion samplers. They're hardware instruments that are made to have the drum hit.

Talking about remixes, some people like to preserve what is original and some people give it a new meaning. Coming to Hip Hop, the biggest of the artists use sampling. You are changing the genre of the song and to be able to give old music in new package is also fair and people who have emotions attached to it - they are also not wrong.

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