The heart is an organ of perception.

Our main reproductive organ is our brain.

The human voice is the organ of the soul.

My heart was a hysterical unreliable organ.

The brain is not an organ to be relied upon.

The hand is the prehensile organ of the mind.

I have stitched life into me like a rare organ

Knowing demands the organ fitted to the object.

Stories are the reproductive organs of language.

Humans are the reproductive organs of technology.

Man is a mind betrayed, not served, by his organs.

Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs.

Loneliness: there is no organ that can take it all.

The organ in the worship service is a sign of Baal.

The inner man has access to the sense organs of god.

Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God.

It flies so high, I swear I heard the organs playing.

The German language is the organ among the languages.

The organ of perception acts more readily than judgment.

Longfellow is to poetry what the barrel-organ is to music.

All human organs eventually tire, only the tongue doesn't.

The pancreas is by far the most complex organ in the body.

One definition of man is an intelligence served by organs.

Man is not an organism; he is an intelligence served by organs.

Faith is an organ of knowledge, and love an organ of experience.

[T]he heart is like any other organ, you can weigh it on a scale.

Eloquence is the appropriate organ of the highest personal energy.

The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ

My organs are too powerful... I manufacture blood and fat too rapidly.

Why should I question the monkey when I can question the organ grinder.

Unified party control of the organs of government has proved no panacea.

A language presupposes that all the individual users possess the organs.

Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will.

The human heart was such a complex organ, fragile and sturdy all at once.

The endometriosis was not just in my reproductive organs; it was everywhere.

There are certain mutations you can find across cancers in different organs.

...the nose is generally the organ in which stupidity is most readily displayed.

Five to six thousand people die every year waiting for organs, but nobody cares.

The difficulty of finding organs suitable for transplantation on man must be met.

The human mind is an organ for the discovery of truths rather than of falsehoods.

Medicine is no longer looking at organs. It looks at the processes inside the cell.

The senses are the organs by which man places himself in connexion with exterior objects.

Did you know that it's a lot harder to put organs back in the body than it is to get them out?

When you drink water and stay hydrated all the time, it's good for all the organs in your body.

Growing new organs of the body as they wear out, extending the human lifespan? What's not to like?

The pimp is the executive organ of immorality. The executive organ of morality is the blackmailer.

Women are much more sensitive. We know that emotionally but their organs respond to the same degree.

The Gaslight Anthem is very streamlined. We don't usually use organs and strings and things like that.

The principal organs of the Left...has consistently been warm and welcoming toward Islamic supremacism.

For man also, in health and sickness, is not just the sum of his organs, but is indeed a human organism.

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