I believe in the greatness of our people.

We play politics for the good of our people.

Tell the Government, our people shall not starve.

We want to turn our inventory faster than our people.

Land has been an issue of great concern to our people.

My father... had sharper eyes than the rest of our people.

What the rainbow has given our people is a thing that connects us.

Our people want jobs. They don't want a safety net as a way of life.

There are no limits to our future if we don't put limits on our people.

You seem in England to be entirely ignorant of the temper of our people.

I'm saying us - our culture, our race, our people - we need to do better.

Where anti-Semitism persists, the well being of all our people is at risk.

Sometimes we make films just for our people, and it doesn't reach to anyone.

I am active in brain storming with our people, our strategists, in Thailand.

The grandeur and strength or our people and democracy are as big as a forest.

We want to take good tidings home to our people, that they may sleep in peace.

I think our people in Britain have a normative expectation of ethical conduct.

America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our people.

Deloitte University is really about leadership development. Our people love it!

Neither political party is clean when it comes to tactics that divide our people.

As the president of Afghanistan I look at the suffering of our people as a whole.

In Wyoming, the beauty of our mountains is matched only by the grit of our people.

There can be no lasting prosperity for our people, if we do not protect our planet.

Glorious shall be the battle when the time comes to fight for our people and our race.

We will strive to make Taiwan a better place and enable our people to live better lives.

Our people are unemployed and anxious to work for the food which foreigners can give us.

We always honor our people when they die; we've got to honor them while we're still alive.

Other lands have their vitality in a few, a class, but we have it in the bulk of our people.

We are not going to build a pressure in Mexico. We're not building walls to retain our people.

The miseries suffered by our people come more from the shameless exploitation of our countries.

When 'our people' get to the point where they can do us some good, they stop being 'our people.'

They're criminals, they brutalized Afghanistan, they killed our people, they destroyed our land.

As a small country, both in size and population, our future hinges on the quality of our people.

We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors.

Our people could not talk with these white-faced men, but they used signs which all people understand.

But those who believe that what our people desire is big government are living in a state of delusion.

The desire to see Okinawa returned to Japan developed into a broad national consensus among our people.

Our country is blessed with a democratic political system that is sensitive to the wishes of our people.

I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected.

It is not right that in 2019 the lives of too many of our people are still subject to a postcode lottery.

We expanded primarily for our people - if you don't offer more opportunities, you don't keep good people.

We have tolerance, respect, and equality in our written laws but not in the hearts of some of our people.

We get first-rate faculty members from the leading engineering and science institutes to train our people.

It is the earnest hope of our people that the world may see the day when all nuclear weapons are abolished.

People want leaders they can look up to, who can solve problems and actually deliver results for our people.

We sing these songs for the everyday occasions of life, and they are very close to the hearts of our people.

The important part of the present development is the anti-capitalist sentiment that is permeating our people.

From 1941 to 1945 we won a war by enlisting the whole-hearted support of all our people and all our resources.

We must again carry the burden of our people and shoulder our commitment to leading them to the promised land.

I think there's too much emphasis on making sure our corporations are OK versus making sure our people are OK.

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