In this constantly evolving world, Congress must be a good steward of policy to ensure our laws at least keep pace.

I'm going through life's cycles at an alarmingly fast pace, but my persona has a Peter Pan quality: he doesn't age.

I like changing the pace of my life, changing my discipline. It gives me ideas for how to see the world differently.

We need to walk into the future, no matter how unnerving, with open eyes if society is to keep pace with technology.

When you get to an F1 car and after one lap you see the pace is there, it is special emotions and I miss it so much.

If you go, go, go, you will get tired. So I had to learn to pace myself. I don't have a problem with five rounds now.

I wolf food down like you've never seen. For some reason, I have no self-control when it comes to the pace of eating.

The pace of Swedish crime fiction is slower - Stieg Larsson's the exception. And I think we use the environment more.

Some of my friends who know me best say they wouldn't trade places with me for $1 million because of the pace I lead.

This is an unprecedented pace of terror in modern times. And so, to say they're on the run absolutely defies reality.

The child must come first above all else. And pace yourself every day. There is quite a lot you will have to give up.

We have some concerns if student financial aid is not keeping pace, and college costs continue to outstrip inflation.

Ignorance is never out of style. It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today and it will set the pace tomorrow.

Whenever a technology enables people to organize at a pace that wasn't before possible, new kinds of politics emerge.

The chance is the remotest, Of its going much longer unnoticed, That I'm not keeping pace With the headlong human race

If we could allow the pace of our meetings to slow down to the pace of our hearts, we might find genuine understanding.

I try to pace myself and not work for the sake of working and stick to what inspired me prior to receiving recognition.

With TV, the pace is so fast, the scripts are coming at you, the directors are firing things at you, it's breathtaking.

The pace at which people are taking to digital technology defies our stereotypes of age, education, language and income.

For Dylan, it seems, life is always the next gig. Changing pace and location are essential to his survival as an artist.

No one writes as slowly as I do, I'm convinced. It's so hard for me. I learn slowly; I make decisions at a snail's pace.

Things have their own pace, and if we work with that pace and anticipate the issues correctly, we can have good results.

Live TV has an amazing pace to it. You've got to be able to think quick, make changes last minute, and be funny and fast.

I have inherited pace from my dad, and in terms of the physical side with the balance, I have inherited that from my mum.

Well Xabi is entitled to his opinion our team would never criticise another but we will look to exploit his lack of pace!

Ambition never is in a greater hurry that I; it merely keeps pace with circumstances and with my general way of thinking.

The U.K. has to keep investing in new technology, skills, and infrastructure to keep pace with international competition.

With a fast pace world and wanting to reach and accomplish goals sometimes we neglect to pause and just enjoy the moment.

Ambition never is in a greater hurry than I; it merely keeps pace with circumstances and with my general way of thinking.

It is nice to start a game and feel the game from the beginning, but I have to pick up the pace when I come off the bench.

Working on television is much more stressful than working for a movie. The pace of work is relaxed while shooting a movie.

Paris... is a world meant for the walker alone, for only the pace of strolling can take in all the rich (if muted) detail.

I like to keep myself fit at the pace of the game. I just focus on my process, including my fitness, skills, and fielding.

When you supervise something, it is one thing. When you are in the middle of something, there is a different pace of life.

Welbeck will be the main man and I have no doubt he will flourish. Imagine the pace Arsenal will have when everyone is fit.

I may even show up behind the camera. I love to put things together; I love to give direction. I have a great eye for pace.

In international football, you need pace and you need your players up top to create things out of nothing and run at people.

Fortunately or unfortunately, NaNoWriMo requires you to write at a breakneck pace, so I got used to just pushing on through.

The only thing that deeply frustrates me is the slow speed [of major labels]. The more people involved, the slower the pace.

It's great to fall head over heels in love at a fast pace, and nothing's more romantic, but you need to look after yourself.

Hockey, honestly, was my first love. The excitement, the fast pace, the intensity of the game... I still love it to this day.

Kids don't shuffle along in unison on the road to maturity. They slouch toward adulthood at an uneven, highly individual pace.

Glacial pace is actually an incorrect concept. The glaciers move a lot faster and they react a lot faster than people imagine.

It was incredible to play in the Premier League, somewhere I always wanted to go because of the speed and the pace of the game.

I work a little bit of slower, methodical pace. I'm able to implement certain different styles depending on who my opponent is.

I love how restaurants work. The energy, the pace, and the idea of working under budgetary restraints reminds me a lot of sets.

God's Spirit moves through us and the world at a pace that can never be constricted by any one religious paradigm. I love that.

Have fun in your command. Don't always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you've earned it, spend time with your families.

I feel with 'Don 2' I got an opportunity to do a very good action with the kind of pace that I would like an action film to have.

The truth is that my chess development was nothing out of the ordinary, and it proceeded probably at a pace no faster than others.

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