I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.

It's nice to play a three-dimensional person every once in a while for a change of pace.

The pace is so fast in summer stock. In college shows, there is more time for rehearsals.

Sometimes I need a slower pace, to slow my mind down and just be with nature, go outside.

I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler.

Disorder and violence are, in fact, things that might check the pace of India's progress.

Canada is a good country to be from. It has a gentler slower pace - it lends perspective.

School district policies and practices have not kept pace with student and teacher needs.

Here in England we live at a slower pace, have more time to enjoy things - like good jazz.

There is a leisure about walking, no matter what pace you set, that lets down the tension.

Felipe Anderson's got a good engine, pace, skill, passing ability and a decent shot on him.

I get restless easily so I always want to keep working, but I am trying to pace it as well.

Collaboration is a nice change of pace from the often solitary nature of the writer's craft.

We must be prepared to keep pace with our leaders, stride for their every lengthened stride.

Stop-motion is filmmaking at the pace of a glacier. In live action, you're moving so quickly.

A lot of times in television, it's incredibly rushed, and you're just trying to get the pace.

I'm doing 'Alvin and the Chipmunks.' I get to play the bad guy. That's a nice change of pace.

It's good to have high-quality competition. It helps drive research forward at a faster pace.

I write at a pace that suits me, and sometimes it's two books a year, but most often it's one.

I have improved my pace without losing on the swing. That is something I am really happy about.

Mollywood movies are narrated at their own pace, unlike Telugu movies, which ought to be crisp.

When doing your aerobic exercise, go at a comfortable pace until you've developed more stamina.

The pace of this match is really accelerating, by which I mean it's getting faster all the time.

I thought it would be a fun change of pace to do a show about a really sad, depressed character.

I think that in the 21st century, medical biology will advance at a more rapid pace than before.

A woman reasons by telegraph, and his [a man's] stage-coach reasoning cannot keep pace with hers.

Growing up is important, and I've got to do that gracefully, but also keep myself at a good pace.

The difference between film and TV is the pace. You don't have the leisure of time in television.

Global warming - utterly disinterested in our political paralysis - worsens at a terrifying pace.

I've been accused, many times, as a writer/director, of my pace being too leisurely and too long.

Only the man who disciplines himself strictly can stand for long the terrific pace of modern war.

I feel like pace is a huge part of being successful through preseason and then on into the season.

'Star Wars Rebels' brings back the banter and faster pace that the original films were famous for.

Achieving climate security must be the core of foreign policy. All of us have to pick up the pace.

Walking at a moderate pace for an hour a day is considered a moderately intense level of exercise.

To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning.

I think people are looking for an alternative to the fast pace of everyday life and entertainment.

But it's for every writer to decide his own pace, and the pace varies with the writer and the work

If you really, truly believe in something, you're on fire, and your tongue rolls at the same pace.

Pace is the most important thing. That is the one thing that I have had throughout my whole career.

The underlying principles of strategy are enduring, regardless of technology or the pace of change.

I don't think life is about a pace, living slow or fast. I think you just live, y'know what I mean?

They come with a lot of strategies in international cricket. You face bowlers with a lot more pace.

I'm used to multitasking... I like it that way. I like when things are busy. I strive off the pace.

But it's for every writer to decide his own pace, and the pace varies with the writer and the work.

Our understanding of how DNA informs our health and development is advancing at an incredible pace.

If there are differences in the race pace it is normally because the tyre is overheating on my side.

It distresses me, this failure to keep pace with the leaders of thought, as they pass into oblivion.

I can't stand the slow pace of Jaipur anymore. I like staying in Mumbai, as everyone is on the move.

The pace of technological change in recent years has been both impressive and positive for consumers.

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