DC is good all round. He pushes the pace, makes you think what you're doing, makes you uncomfortable.

Mumbai is like Manhattan. Theres a certain pace, a social life and the thrill of a professional life.

I don't agree with the theory that removing grass and pace from the pitch nullifies Mitchell Johnson.

I always loved touring in Pentatonix; really the only reason it was tough was the pace and no breaks.

I've led movies before, but not a TV show, and it's a different beast. You have to pace yourself more.

They trained mostly by time periods, checking their pace for known distance only on special occasions.

All of us have an 'inner clock,' a certain pace at which we function most comfortably and effectively.

The world has not just "turned upside down". It is turning in every which way at an accelerating pace.

Mumbai is like Manhattan. There's a certain pace, a social life and the thrill of a professional life.

I wasn't overtly ambitious, or tried to get films by hook or crook. I always did things at my own pace.

I need to work on timing and the pace of the game. I need to know when to slow it down and speed it up.

I don't quite have the energy for extra curricular activities. I have to pace myself a little bit more.

But despite this breathtaking pace, I believe in the capacity of our democracy to meet these challenges.

I was the leading star in 1945. I slowed down my pace of acting assignments after I came into direction.

When you walk with someone, something unspoken happens. Either you match their pace or they match yours.

It moves at its own measured pace, for it has no reason to hurry. Tomorrow will come in its own good time.

You're telling the story, creating the sets, doing the lighting, the designing, and establishing the pace.

Biohackers want to tinker; do fun science; and, in the process, accelerate the pace of biotech innovation.

As the pace of technology increases, the amount of toxic electronic waste is piling up at home and abroad.

I learned a lot my rookie season - the pace of the game. Playing at the right pace, not 100 miles an hour.

We cannot just say there is a homelessness crisis in San Francisco and continue moving at our normal pace.

The decline in literature indicates a decline in the nation. The two keep pace in their downward tendency.

I've always been drawn to solitude, felt a kind of luxurious relief in its self-generated pace and rhythms.

It's a remarkable pace of which things change and adapt, and it's hard for us to keep up with as a species.

The fast pace of life doesn't give you much scope for wasting your time or wallowing in the past or regrets.

I advise all the young kids to not overwork. You can't be out there blowing hard. You have to pace yourself.

Efforts to protect critical computer networks have unfortunately not kept pace with the march of technology.

Bruce Lee's fast pace, Jet Li's pretty style and Jet Li's acrobatics combine with Muay Thai for my own style.

We judge a horse not only by its pace on a racecourse, but also by its walk, nay, when resting in its stable.

Intelligence we gathered at the time indicated that this was in fact leadership and we struck the leadership.

I feel things are changing now. Actresses are working at same pace even after getting married or having kids.

I've learned to adapt to the pace of the English game and a different style of football in the Premier League.

If the pace of change outside is moving more quickly than the pace of change inside, you get a bit left behind.

Poorly prepared for the dignity of life, I barely keep up with the pace of the action imposed. Reality demands.

From the time I started school, it was clear to everyone that I wasn't learning at the same pace as other kids.

Foreign terrorists are using technology to radicalize Americans at a troubling pace that continues to increase.

Even in developing markets, we're seeing the growth of digital communication is proceeding at a very rapid pace.

I like a certain style of show, I like a certain pace, I like a rhythm, I like a lot of comedy in with my drama.

In T20, I think it's really valuable to have a bowler who can bring the ball back into the right hander at pace.

Our rules need to keep pace with current technology so that Americans who use hearing aids can easily use phones.

We just want to grow at a reasonable pace. Supreme hasn't changed for 20 years, and that feels very simple to me.

To pace about, looking to obtain status, looking to attain 'importance' - I can think of nothing more ridiculous.

Nobody can bowl six out of six yorkers. So you have to mix your pace. You have to bowl bouncers, mix up the pace.

My feeling is talk shows have not kept pace with the breakthroughs and changes in format in television generally.

Then there's the silliest of all cliches, 'on a pace for' 'Pace' is a figment of the mathematician's imagination.

I try to pace my life out and try not to be too involved with negativity and try to fix what I can fix in my life.

God's Spirit moves through us and the world at a pace that can never be constricted by any one religious paradigm.

With both acting and ballet, often you can't just choose when you do it, whereas a painter can go at his own pace.

Loneliness is the prison of the human spirit. When we are lonely, we pace back and forth in small, shut-in worlds.

Because time isn't something that always proceeds at the same pace. It is we who determine how quickly time passes.

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