Packing is my pet hate.

Packing is always a nightmare.

just in case" is the curse of packing

Packing is chiefly planning -- if it is

Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.

I'm not good at Blackberrys, cell phones, or packing.

I get ideas about what's essential when packing my suitcase.

If I'd known how much packing I'd have to do, I'd have run again.

I've never really considered packing my suitcase and heading to Hollywood.

Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment.

He had a wonderful talent for packing thought close, and rendering it portable.

It was great growing up a nomad. To this day I still love hiking and back packing.

Packing lunches and going over menus is a great way to make small changes in the way your kids eat.

In 'Packing for Mars,' I tried to convey the importance of getting young people interested in science.

Some days I really love being a mom, and some days I don't! It's crazy - I'm tired of packing lunches!

I was packing to go to Columbia University, and they told me that weekend that I got the 'Pitch Perfect.'

My kids, who are grown now and living in L.A., are used to me packing up and taking off to somewhere weird.

I have always been a nomad and I have mastered the art of packing! I always say: pack lightly, live lightly.

There is always a sadness about packing. I guess you wonder if where you're going is as good as where you've been.

I'm fifty-one years old, but I'm not through yet. I have lived a full life, and intend packing in quite a lot more.

Packing your lunch for the work week can seem like an unattainable goal especially when work gets hectic and crazy.

When you get back from a trip, make a note of what you didn't wear. This will avoid packing it unnecessarily next time.

My hobbies are mountain biking, horseback riding and packing, canoeing and kayaking, hiking, camping, cooking, and skiing.

I spent the summers packing toothpaste at a factory, working where my dad worked, and everyone else had gone on a gap year!

I enjoy the preparatory elements of travel - packing my bags and choosing my outfits - but my favourite part is getting there.

I know many actresses who started big but were sent packing, as they couldn't sustain the momentum. I am in this for the long haul.

I've never had an easy relationship with critics. I hold a lot of homicide in my heart. If this was another time, I'd be packing a piece.

I'm used to packing up and leaving, to condensing myself into a digestible version because people don't have much time to get to know me.

There's the chaos surrounding the practical day-to-day - playdates, doctors' appointments, packing and unpacking, and organizing mealtimes.

I came very close to quitting my job for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign. I seriously considered packing up my office and heading home to Colorado.

It's really hard to be on stage and packing your gear when people who just saw you play are in the room, because they all just want to talk to you.

There's always a thrill to see a guy's face when you sent 'em packing because you're gonna be the last person they thought about, the whole offseason.

I've worked everywhere. I worked in a warehouse packing surf supplies, a restaurant washing dishes, in retail, and I was a 'sandwich artist' at Subway.

Writing, and its theatre of operation, is better than working shifts packing frozen sausages; that's all I need to think about if I'm having difficulties.

If I were packing for a deserted island, I would bring sunscreen, a water purifier, something to start a fire with, my sister, and something for protection.

I've worked countless jobs from waiting tables to packing boxes in a paper factory - a testament that I hustled on and never gave up til I reached my dreams.

There's another important reason not to send the Dreamers packing: they are essential to preserving the social insurance programs on which older Americans rely.

We were a very popular live band in London, packing in 6,000 people a night, and the record companies that came after us wanted us to be the flavor of the month.

Husbands and wives fight, and when the wife is packing up, the husband says, 'Don't leave! I'm gonna change!' Marriages stay together because people promise to change.

Of course, we should all be aware of what we're packing in our carry-on luggage - anything that might be considered dangerous could be confiscated at a security checkpoint.

I have learnt that I am incapable of packing the right amount of clothing, probably because I start 10 minutes before I'm supposed to leave, and that I truly hate airports.

I'm very strict with my packing and have everything in its right place. I never change a rule. I hardly use anything in the hotel room. I wheel my own wardrobe in and that's it.

If anything, I'm constantly trying to figure out how to look chic with the minimal effort required because I'm constantly packing. My off-duty style is always influenced by my mood.

I've seen it too many times in Hollywood. Talking about a relationship in public can jinx it. And if you have your picture taken together, you might as well start packing your bags.

People had this idea about becoming rock stars packing stadiums instead of having the goal of becoming what musicians used to be in terms of how they would perform and connect people.

Also, there are seats in the diner that always fall off the table. If you have a scene where you're packing up at the end of the day and putting them on the table, they just slide off.

I used to love getting on planes. I loved the packing and going places. Now I don't because I've developed these really bad sinuses. I have to take a prednisone to fly, but it works, and I'm OK.

If I'm going away for longer than a week I take a suitcase and check it in but I'm good at packing light and quick - years of modelling, travelling and living out of a suitcase has trained me well.

I have only a few really enviable skills, but packing - condensing just the right amount of stuff into a single bag, whether the trip is for a weekend or, as in this case, seven weeks - is one of them.

I live out in the desert, in farm country. I'm around a lot of farmers, guys with packing houses, that sort of thing. Half the time, these guys are in their pajamas or in their slippers. It's their place.

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