Power is pleasure; and pleasure sweetens pain.

Pain is to be endured. It ends or it does not.

I seek the utmost pleasure and the least pain.

Without pain and suffering, we would be nothing

Our worst pain is confined within our own skin.

There is an aching that is worse than any pain.

When you numb your pain you also numb your joy.

The pain of yesterday is the strength of today.

Go where the pain is, go where the pleasure is.

Sanity brings pain but madness is a vile thing.

We may have pain, but not as great as His name.

The real reason for comedy is to hide the pain.

There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain.

Learning is a gift, even if pain is the teacher

On the other side of pain, there is still love.

My life is based on pain, passion, and purpose.

Where belief is painful we are slow to believe.

Faint is the bliss, that never past thro' pain.

The pain pushes you, until the vision pulls you

Don't tell me about the pain. Show me the baby.

If you have a pulse, you're going to have pain.

Where your pain is, there your heart lies also.

Pain is a forcing sieve that turns me to gruel.

pain is absurd because it exists, nothing more.

The physical shock took away the pain of being.

Sometimes growing pains are by fits and starts.

I don't think you should exploit your own pain.

I have never felt any pain that I can remember.

No matter how hard it rains, withstand the pain.

My painting carries with it the message of pain.

There is no way forward that isn’t through pain.

The pain that we cause is the cause of our pain.

I do my best work when I am in pain and turmoil.

Failure gave me strength. Pain was my motivation

Forgiveness of sin strikes the root of all pain.

When you learn your lessons, the pain goes away.

Many pains are imaginary, but all joys are real.

Pain in life is inevitable but suffering is not.

Our stories are different; our pain is the same.

Liberty is a different kind of pain from prison.

Pain has no effect but to steal some of my time.

Long pains are light ones, Cruel ones are brief!

The pain was her whole world now. Pain and fear.

You will never understand pleasure without pain.

Death is a release from and an end of all pains.

The possibility of pain is where love stems from

Long pains, with use of bearing, are half eased.

When you let go, you lose pain and gain insight.

Till taught by pain, men know not water's worth.

Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

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