One pain is lessened by another's anguish.

My soul is a broken field, plowed by pain.

My workout philosophy is; no pain, no pain

Cruelty is a mystery, and a waste of pain.

That sweet sleep which medicines all pain.

Pain can give you sight or make you blind.

I haven't got a good reputation with pain.

the human heart clings - even to its pain.

Pain for the old was no longer a surprise.

Winners see the gain; losers see the pain.

Life is pain, so live it up while you can.

Silence is a protective coating over pain.

Can't nothing heal without pain, you know.

You are the love and joy beneath the pain.

He preacheth patience that never knew pain

A young man of pleasure is a man of pains.

I want all my pain to count for something.

It's true that the pain makes people change

To frown at pleasure, and to smile in pain.

The marks humans leave are too often scars.

Nothing can make you more humble than pain.

Pain is temporarily, but pride last forever

Nearly everyone has his box of secret pain.

A human being can stand any amount of pain.

No one can escape life's pain. That's life.

Everybody faces pain. Everybody has trauma.

Suffering comes from desire, not from pain.

Oh God, don't envy me, I have my own pains.

Sex without pain is like food without taste

If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.

Warriors should suffer their pain silently.

Seeing other people in pain causes me pain.

Pain pays no attention to moans or excuses.

If pain is truly love, for my family I die.

Pain is the doorway to wisdom and to truth.

I'm no stranger to pain. It's what made me.

Pain is not wat you get, it is wat you give.

Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.

My mood altered and the pain turned to rage.

And painful pleasure turns to pleasing pain.

The greatest pain is the pain of a new idea.

The deeper the feeling, the greater the pain

Comedy is only funny when there's real pain.

Pain is a treasure, for it contains mercies.

God sweetens outward pain with inward peace.

Pain is truth; all else is subject to doubt.

Pain pays the income of each precious thing.

I regret the way pain has taught me nothing.

Maybe all pain in the world requires poetry.

Pain or love or danger makes you real again.

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