If I flop, let 'em pan me.

I'm a flash in the pan: a novelty.

My old man worked for Pan American.

I think 'Pan's Labyrinth' is genius.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Sometimes a leap of faith doesn't pan out.

I'd love to make a film like 'Pan's Labyrinth.'

There's not one Tin Pan Alley song on my record.

I don't like to have to pan for gold when I read.

I wasn't a Pan Am pilot or any other kind of pilot.

The 'Pan' script made it to the Black List in 2013.

My first live performance was the lead in 'Peter Pan.'

I love little Peter Pan collars and little puff sleeves.

I'd done 'Peter Pan' in a little pre-K class or whatever.

It's the Peter Pan in me, I don't think I'll ever grow up.

As a kid, I read 'Peter Pan,' and I really wanted to be him.

Peter Pan has been one of my dream roles since I was a child.

I hope I'll die on stage at the age at 105, playing Peter Pan.

All children, except two, grow up: Peter Pan and Donald Trump Jr.

We make a series of investments, some will pan out and some won't.

'Peter Pan' is tried and true - it's a story that everybody knows.

Comedy is so hard to do, so it was very cool to do dead pan humor.

The thing with 'Peter Pan' is it's been done so well so many times.

I never realized until recently how much my life parallels Peter Pan.

No one owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death.

I want to be around when I'm 60; I don't want to be some flash in the pan.

'Peter Pan' makes 'Black Watch' and 'The Bacchae' look like a walk in the park.

We feel free when we escape - even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire.

I dressed like Leslie Caron as a teenager: soft school pleats, Peter Pan collars.

I used to go to the supermarket dressed as Peter Pan when I was about five years old.

You may shelve your Shakespearian plans for the present. I am going to play Peter Pan.

For Halloween, I've gone trick-or-treating as Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, and Robin Hood.

I believe the world to be a muffin pan, and there certainly are a lot of muffins here.

I couldn't do 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' Ed said I was a flash in the pan, and he was right.

I heard about the Holocaust before hearing the 'Cinderella' story or watching 'Peter Pan.'

Once people see Bitcoin and how it works, they realise this isn't just a flash in the pan.

The moment I'm perceived to be even a tiny bit successful, my career will go down the pan.

If anything's going to go wrong, it'd go wrong during 'Peter Pan,' not 'The Sound of Music.'

There's nothing 'flash in the pan' about my career. It's been built fan by fan, city by city.

I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I don't want people to just remember me for one thing.

One never knows how a bout is going to pan out and even in last 2-3 seconds things can change.

I've made some films that were very much image based: 'Anna Karenina' and 'Pan,' for instance.

I'm Welsh. We didn't do 'Peter Pan.' We have far more ancient legends to be put to sleep with.

Most of the time - in 'Pan's Labyrinth' or 'Devil's Backbone' - I'm talking about my childhood.

Pan me, don't give me the part, publish everybody's book but this one and I will still make it!

I've several times had jobs that I thought were going to be my big break, and it didn't pan out.

The best way to make a steak is grilled over an open flame or pan sauteed in a cast iron skillet.

In Spanish, we have a saying: 'The woman and the frying pan belong in the kitchen.' Ohhhh, I hate it!

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach.

I love musical theater. That's what I started off to do when I was 7, and my first show was 'Peter Pan.'

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