One cannot be a part-time nihilist.

I like part-time jobs in restaurants.

A lot of people in MMA do part-time jobs.

You can't be a part-time Richard Dawkins.

You can't be a part-time man of principle.

I'm a full-time dad; I'm a part-time actor.

It's a full time job with a part-time companion.

Being a rock n' roll star ain't a part-time gig.

I had always worked. I always had part-time jobs.

I'm a full-time mom right now and a part-time actress.

My eldest son, Jack, grew up with me as a 'part-time' dad.

I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune

You have a part-time job and that's better to no job at all

I work hard. I work 80-90 hours a week in part-time football.

You cannot be a part-time candidate when you're running against Orrin Hatch.

The only way to stay sharp is to do live shows. There is no part-time comedy.

We have a part-time nanny who does a few afternoons a week. We have a nursery.

There's no such thing as a part-time 'Buffy' fan; people watch it compulsively.

I'm part-time vegan. I try to be vegan when I can. But I dip and dive in everywhere.

If you are not doing what you love, then start doing it, even if it is only part-time.

Being a part-time pop star was perfect, really, when I wasn't worn out by the partying.

I always say if the marathon is a part-time interest, you will only get part-time results.

I don't like doing things by halves, and I realised you can't do stand-up comedy part-time.

I rather win one championship as a key player than four championships as a part-time player.

My Twitter account status used to say 'part-time playboy' on it, but I've taken that down now.

I just love doing costume dramas; I am very lucky, as I see myself as a part-time time traveller.

Television is fun, but it's hard, and if it gets too crazy I may just do it as a part-time thing.

For fifty years, I was a part-time model, but basically, I'm a nutritionist, a teacher, a mother.

Being a Mormon is not a part-time religion. It is your life. You eat, sleep, and breathe Mormonism.

I started work at 13, had three or four part-time jobs, and learnt very quickly the values of work.

I was working part-time as a cleaner while I was going to college and then babysitting after school.

By and large, small companies don't want to settle for part-time employees over full-time positions.

At Ostersunds, we had half the players who were part-time and working and the other half were full-time.

I used to be a part-time enthusiast press games writer when I was starting to get into making indie games.

I was working at Papa John's full-time. I had just quit my part-time job at UPS. I was there for two years.

My wife is married to a part-time husband. That's hard to do. The kids get the short end of the stick, too.

We cannot be Christians part-time. If Christ is at the center of our lives, he is present in all that we do.

I consider myself a part-time worker when it comes to the piano, but you need to play regularly to stay sharp.

Start a part-time business and make as many mistakes as you possibly can while you still have your daytime job.

Films are not a part-time job. They take months to make and require long-time commitment; so, you can't do a half-hearted job.

I entered the work force cleaning breast pumps at a pharmacy! It was a part-time gig while I was at school... no interview required.

Before 'Lost Boy,' I was singing, doing six-second covers on Vine, working part-time and in school, but music was always my true love.

I've sort of decided that I can settle for being just the artist, arranger, writer and part-time engineer. That seems like enough to do.

It's very tempting to go part-time and take up a number of non-executive directorships because everyone is crying out for talented women.

I did model for a little while part-time, but I wasn't a bloody model, and I am definitely not that horrible thing 'model-turned-actress.'

When I was a teenager, my parents made me take a part-time job at the local Black Eyed Pea, which was a home-cooked-food family restaurant.

I wish I'd become a professional dancer sooner. I did other jobs - like baking - while dancing part-time, and didn't commit until I was 29.

I used to tell the players that professional football is a part-time profession. I used to tell them it gets you ready for your life's work.

When I was studying in London, I worked part-time as a waitress. I was teaching drama to kids. I did a lot of odd jobs to pay for my studies.

I have a part-time dog. I'm actually an aunt to a dog, and he's an awful dog, but I love him. He's only interested in doing what he wants to do.

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