I need to go to parties, Raisa mused, so I don't think so much.

I hate the idea that cooking should be a celebration or a party.

Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight, party tonight.

Memorial services are the cocktail parties of the geriatric set.

I think the Tea Party has brought important issues to the table.

The parties with the most gain never show up on the battlefield.

Sinn Fein is the fastest growing party on the island of Ireland.

I knew if I waited long enough, the Republican Party would rock.

Ezra Klein gets under my skin. He seems to spout the party line.

We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party.

I'm much more concerned about America than the Democratic Party.

This looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop.

I like to know what I'm celebrating before I put on a party hat.

Congress is a party whose both hands are with the common people.

[Nancy] Pelosi personifies this [Democratic] party's repudiation.

Texas is a big state. It's a major force in the Republican Party.

I do things every day for my birthday. I'm just not a party girl.

There's nothing better than a party that turns into a death trap.

We are the party that hears the stories of people, the struggles.

There are always two parties; the establishment and the movement.

That's what a lot of people know me as: they call it party music.

I don't like parties past 2 am. Then it's all losers and weirdos.

There’s nothing like a gunshot to make you the life of the party.

There is no Democratic or Republican way of cleaning the streets.

The opposing party rarely causes so much angst as does one's own.

I think the Democratic Party has got to make fundamental choices.

I have never belonged to a party. I don't have party affiliation.

I prefer dead writers because you don't run into them at parties.

The Black Panther party of Self-Defense is a revolutionary party.

It was not Soviet people who formed the American Communist Party.

Only the Republican Party cares about the issues that concern me.

I can get a dance party started pretty much anywhere and anytime.

Some people say we need a third party. I wish we had a second one.

You a star in my eyes. You and all them white girls, Party of Five

He (Gorton) is not fit to hold the great office of Prime Minister.

My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.

For my 21st birthday party, I had a 'Strictly'-themed fancy dress.

I didn't leave the Democratic party; the Democratic party left me.

If the communist party is controlling China, they represent China.

My favorite thing about partying together is sharing the memories.

Old houses mended, Cost little less than new before they're ended.

I am the head of the Socialists, but the party is not my property.

The Republican Party, right now, is a conservative populist party.

If Washington is a two-party town, why can't Hollywood be one too?

My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.

If the deal isn't good for the other party, it isn't good for you.

The popularity of the party and Yingluck is getting more and more.

So, a lot of my supporters back home are members of the Tea Party.

We need to remake the Democratic party. We need to remake America.

Ever notice that Soup for One is eight aisles away from Party Mix?

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