Some people say I chastise the Republican Party too much.

I love to have a beer with Duncan "Cause Duncan"s me mate

Death is hacking away at my address book and party lists.

One does not leave a convivial party before closing time.

I lived in Greece. I had a lot of party experience there.

You don't win as a party unless you become a bigger party.

The Republican Party among the public is a minority party.

The paternalism of the Conservative party is breathtaking.

Mrs Dalloway is always giving parties to cover the silence

Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party.

This is the only thing that has seen more parties than us.

I really do not want to carry some kind of party function.

I doubt if you can have a truly wild party without liquor.

DiCaprio left the party with 20 women? I did that in 2012!

My nards aren't clean Ive been partying With Charlie Sheen

Look at my arms, you will find no party hand-cuff on them.

I have a talent for missing the best and greatest parties.

The press should be the voice of the people, not of party.

We regard our parties as interesting groups of gladiators.

I get butterflies before I go out to say hello at a party.

We've never been a party to obstruct for obstruction sake.

The role of third parties is to sting like a bee, then die.

Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer.

Revolution is an instrument, like a party is an instrument.

Canada is not the party. Its the apartment above the party.

Honor is not the exclusive property of any political party.

A divorce party - that's really better than a wedding party

Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he's a fungi!

Don't force yourself to go party if you're not in the mood.

I don't really go to fashion parties; they're not my scene.

some people are democrats by choice, and some by necessity.

American football makes rugby look like a Tupperware party.

America is going to start happening outside of the parties.

I unfortunately have never in my life been to a wild party.

I might have sung party numbers, but I love to party alone.

The Tea Party ended up being a shill for corporate America.

He that has a house to put's head in has a good head-piece.

Online fundraising is so important to the Democratic Party.

Don’t be stupid, be a smarty / Come and join the Nazi Party!

Our party is a diverse one, as is my home state of Illinois.

We've been there on World Wars, it's time for World Party I.

The last thing a political party gives up is its vocabulary.

The Republican Party has become an ethnic nationalist party.

It's not as if our party has a leadership campaign underway.

I'd rather clean my toilet than go to a show-business party.

But life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last.

They [the Labour Party] are not fit to manage a whelk stall.

Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.

Parties are the nightly ritual of the sophisticated society.

Democrats don't have a lot of time to turn the party around.

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