My passport's green.

My face is my passport.

I feel French, beyond the passport.

Good clothing is a passport to happiness.

I have a British and an American passport.

I got my first passport in 1989, when I was 28.

You don't need a passport to work on human rights.

Play for Canada? Why not? I have a Canadian passport.

I often say that poverty needs no passport to travel.

For me, humor was always my passport into new communities.

I always have my passport on me, as well as two currencies.

Friends and acquaintances are the surest passport to fortune.

My grandparents were from Spain, and I had a Spanish passport.

I am just grateful I have a British passport and a country here.

My fairy-tale life ended the moment I wanted to apply for a passport.

Bond has afforded me a great personal passport, which I use for UNICEF.

In a globalized economy, jobs no longer need a passport, but workers do.

My music has been my passport to the world, and it's been amazing for me.

You can have Irish identity in the north and also have your Irish passport.

Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.

Although I hold a German passport, I feel very much alienated when I'm there.

Yes, it's my real name. I had to pull out my passport twice today to prove it.

I love my passport. I plan trips very last minute, so I always carry it with me.

I have an American passport, but I don't always remember I'm an American citizen.

My ginger tabby cat Oscar - he's got his own passport - he comes everywhere with me.

Use your passport for domestic trips, so that way you don't risk losing your license.

When you're in trouble, all you need is your bank card and passport, and you're fine.

I'm happy being Canadian and I'm proud of where I come from. So I'll keep my passport.

The House of Lords says I'm not a member of it. My passport says I am - get used to it.

I always take a cashmere blanket, and I have pictures of my family in my passport holder.

The writer presents himself to the blank page not with an open passport but an open heart.

My little yorkie Floyd is the ultimate buddy, and his passport has as many stamps as mine.

Someone once told me that movies are a universal passport. And it's true, wherever you go.

I'm not super-patriotic, but the U.S. is where I live, and it's the passport that I carry.

I think one of the great moments of my life was when I could write musician on my passport.

I'm very proud that on my passport it says: 'broadcaster,' and that's what I see myself as.

I have a British passport, but the rest of my family have Indian passports, and I am Indian.

The computer is your passport, not only to the future but to knowing what's going around you.

In the '70s I was in exile; every time I went back I wondered if they'd take my passport away.

I think I have more stamps in my passport than most stamp collectors have in their collections.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But it's not, it's a visa, and it runs out fast.

I was traveling in Europe with Paul and suddenly realized my passport still said I was Mrs. Sampson.

There is nothing more miserable in the world than to arrive in paradise and look like your passport photo.

When Bangladesh refused to renew my passport, I used U.N. travel documents. You can't disown your country.

Having a United States passport has been an incredible asset, and I hope that will continue to be the case.

I had a passport where I wrote 'artist' under 'occupation' and I remember thinking, 'That's it, it's proved!'

I honestly don't class myself as a songwriter. I've got 'musician' written on my passport. That's even funnier.

I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, 'What are you?'

I'm always going to be a New Zealand fighter. I'm a Kiwi, of course, and I've still got my New Zealand passport.

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