A poet over 30 is pathetic

Everything human is pathetic

Heartbreak can be so pathetic.

A writer, by definition, is pathetic.

American television really is pathetic.

The design industry is really pathetic.

The only thing that is pathetic... is you.

I'm knocking our pitiful, pathetic lawmakers.

Tranq'd by your own gun,"Lev says."How pathetic.

Anger is too pathetic. Anger is as weak as fear.

Voting statistics for younger voters is pathetic.

I don't understand this pathetic need for luxuries.

I'm such a geek now with princesses. It's pathetic.

To be honest, I think bananas are a pathetic fruit.

Pathetic attitudes are not in keeping with greatness.

I know it sounds pathetic, but I don't know who I am.

My biggest fear is looking weak, girly, and pathetic.

The gash in its throat was shocking, but not pathetic.

People who think about art as an investment are pathetic.

To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.

I like to think of myself as a New Yorker, which is pathetic.

I'm by nature kind of a glum person, but I'm not a sad pathetic

Trolls live in their own pathetic bubble, and it's called Twitter.

I'm always a little passive and can come across as being pathetic.

The pathetic almost always consists in the detail of little events.

If you get serious about yourself as you get old, you are pathetic.

I'm offended by things and take pathetic little stands against them.

I love romance. I'm a sucker for it. I love it so much. It's pathetic.

I will always be the hopeless romantic, more often pathetic than heroic.

Drag queens are not pathetic creatures. Drag queens are fabulous and fun.

I turn into a crying, hysterical maniac when I see a spider. It's pathetic.

I would love to act in Bengali movies, but the work culture here is pathetic.

I'm about as big a star as the Baha'i faith has got, which is pretty pathetic.

It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic by fashion.

Men are hung up on breasts. They're looking at the titty dinner. It's pathetic.

Stop it. Seriously. This isn't funny.' 'You're right.' A pause. 'It's pathetic.

Unless I have my aunt or my boyfriend to take care of me, I'm a little pathetic.

It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion.

Stop bothering me with your pathetic politics - I'd rather go to the whorehouse.

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

No author has created with less emphasis such pathetic characters as Chekhov has.

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.

To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States of America is pathetic.

When Democrats lose, they're pathetic. When Republicans lose, they're bitter and mean.

I'd rather sell groundnuts in my village than to play for a pathetic team like Chelsea.

If Hank Williams Jr. wasn't such a pathetic, wheezing fossil, I'd have a talk with him.

Yes, I sounded like a pathetic weenie. I prefer to think of it as showing my softer side.

It was all about wanting to get revenge. Pathetic, really, but it still is the motivation.

I have had my share of flops and it's very discouraging. It's pathetic to be on that side.

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