As a kid, I often figured it was good to be patient to a fault.

Democracy demands patient instruction on it before legislation.

The psychiatrist must become a fellow traveler with his patient.

My wife tells me I need to learn to be more patient with my son.

You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient.

The disciples of a patient Saviour should be patient themselves.

Tania, there is so much still ahead of you. Be patient with life

I've always been pretty patient so I usually don't mind waiting!

We can't socialize the doctors without socializing the patients.

My mother was a lupus patient. I was a child with the lupus gene.

I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.

The best practitioners give to their patients the least medicine.

Quacks are the greatest liars in the world except their patients.

An impatient person plays differently than a more patient person.

Be patient, calm, compassionate. Know that existence is fleeting.

Be patient in trials, watchful in prayer, and never cease working.

In the past, men created witches: now they create mental patients.

Therapists need to give a depressed patient support and direction.

The doctor-patient relationship is critical to the placebo effect.

Always be patient. I also believe everything happens for a reason.

The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir.

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.

I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

The self-edited author is as foolish as the self-medicated patient.

Historically, I'm not a great patient when it comes to slowing down.

Be eager in your desires but humbly patient in their accomplishment.

I really admire people who are extraordinarily tolerant and patient.

Every cannabis user is a medical patient whether they know it or not

When I wasn't playing, the most important thing was to stay patient.

Be patient.Of course it will come. It took me years to get an Oscar.

Many a man thinks he is patient when, in reality, he is indifferent.

There is no well-doing, no Godlike doing, that is not patient doing.

If a person is treated like a patient, they are apt to act like one.

The #1 problem most patients face is the inability to love themselves

The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers.

You mortal! You time-poor! Don't waste your scarce time to be patient!

There is no rushing into things and am patient for good roles to come.

The present system of protecting NHS patients was a bit of a shambles.

I just have to try to be patient, keep working hard and doing my best.

The best way to get around in New York is to be both rich and patient.

An educated patient is empowered; thus, more likely to become healthy.

It is not the most brilliant that excel in film, but the most patient!

The only person who is a worse liar than a faith healer is his patient.

If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought.

I don't want to be idealized by a patient because of what I've written.

I suppose, if helping a patient die is killing, I suppose I'm a killer.

I'm an obsessive sports fan, which my wife is incredibly patient about.

I always assumed I'd be a terribly patient mum but it turns out I'm not!

You know what takes effort? Being kind. Being patient. Being respectful.

We are, every one of us, like a wise guru in charge of a mental patient.

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