The Physitian owes all to the patient, but the patient owes nothing to him but a little mony.

I would consider my dad a pretty patient guy, but there was no tolerance for spoiled behavior.

Success comes but with time. People want to achieve things very quickly; they are not patient.

I am a patient listener, but opinionated to the point of stubbornness when my mind is made up.

Illness and death are not optional. Patients have a right to determine how they approach them.

If I have any message for others, it is to go for help early and not to be a resistant patient

[On the press:] I love working with children, and I have learned to be very patient with them.

If I have any message for others, it is to go for help early and not to be a resistant patient.

Labor is the true alchemist that beats out in patient transmutation the baser metals into gold.

The Bible says that the servant of the Lord must be patient. Not everyone believes immediately.

We must not only be patient with others, infinitely patient, but also with our own poor selves.

There is no dignity without work. You can't tell someone who has nothing to eat to stay patient.

A lot of the guys worry about their form. For me, it is just about being persistent and patient.

A good Muslim is not one who is strictest in his judgment, but who is most patient in listening.

I am very patient. I take pride in being patient with my husband, my children, my grandchildren.

Steady, patient, persevering thinking will generally surmount every obstacle in search of truth.

Every cent that goes to research is changing the lives of patients and their families right now.

I'm not a patient person and sitting around the house waiting to get back to WWE does me no good.

Because ALS is underfunded, patients have had no option but to fade away and die. That is not OK.

It is needless to say that women make the most patient as well as the most dangerous pickpockets.

There is a fruit of the Spirit that must accompany the gift of healing and that is longsuffering.

Patience lives in the gap between our experience of an event and our response to that experience.

If two people live together, one has to be patient, and typically, the other one is very annoying.

Patients describing the benefits of prayer often talk about how it provides a sense of well being.

The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.

Hahnji, mister, you must be patient. Before you can name that corner, our future must become past.

In November, 1964 when I was a patient at the Mayo Clinic I though seriously about killing myself.

I'm strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants.

There is among doctors, in acute hospitals at least, a presumption of stupidity in their patients.

I'm not the most patient person in the world. I am one of the most persistent people in the world.

Let us learn to be patient in the days of darkness, if we know anything of vital union with Christ.

Russian is a really hard language - but I've got my own personal teacher. He's been really patient.

Basically, all women are nurturers and healers, and all men are mental patients to varying degrees.

Life is an incurable condition: the only known treatment is to try to keep the patient comfortable.

Motherhood hasn't changed me much but the only difference I feel is that I have become more patient.

What goes down usually goes back up, if you're willing to be patient and don't hit the panic button.

He that is impatient, and cannot wait on God for a mercy, will not easily submit to Him in a denial.

Patients reported that their psychedelic sessions were an invaluable experiential training for dying.

Diabetes is a great example whereby, giving the patient the tools, you can manage yourself very well.

The patient that's on the floor with the cardiac arrest is not Wall Street. It's the American economy.

Ultimately, health care fails the most basic test. It's not organized around the needs of the patient.

The capacity to be patient, to bear with others through thick and thin, is within the reach of anyone.

Mostly, I make sure to stay keenly aware of my own shortcomings so that I am more patient with others.

I am very far away from being angry. I really don't get angry most of the time. I am a patient person.

Music taught me how to always be patient and focused, and to train the little concentration in myself.

When we go slower, we are more patient and when we are more patient we have a choice in how we respond.

It’s certainly true that it’s easier to be patient about change when you’re not personally suffering...

Cancer affects all of us, whether you're a daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker, doctor, patient.

It's hard to be patient. It's hard to sit back and actually wait and allow everything - just let it be.

It is my impression that 'pain-killing' drugs improve the patient's mood rather than take away the pain.

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