Paul Ryan's in for Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan is a solid conservative.

Paul Ryan is the gold standard for conservatism.

Paul Ryan has been part of the Never-Trump group.

I'm calling out the enemy. He is Speaker Paul Ryan.

Obviously, Paul Ryan is not an 'America first' guy.

Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House.

I think Mr. Trump and Paul Ryan have a lot in common.

People who know Paul Ryan say, 'He will be president one day.'

We say Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.

Who is going to take business advice from Paul Ryan? Who? Nobody. Nobody.

Paul Ryan wants his weekends free? Fine - let's give him all 365 days free.

Paul Ryan is a nationally tested leader that is widely known and respected.

Mitt Romney has outdone himself in choosing Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Paul Ryan wants to get health care repaired and certainly Dan Donovan wants to.

I have long admired Paul Ryan and thought of him as the future of the Republican Party.

We are absolutely going to make sure Paul Ryan is being held accountable to the people.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand that government does not create jobs. Entrepreneurs do.

When I met Paul Ryan 22 years ago, he was a student at Miami of Ohio volunteering on my campaign.

My friend Paul Ryan talks about fiscal responsibility, but voted to put two wars on a credit card.

Reince Priebus is a strong supporter of Donald Trump and a good friend and supporter of Paul Ryan.

I'm not saying that Paul Ryan would weep if Bernie Sanders won Texas but it's definitely possible.

Paul Ryan has shown more passion in attacking Trump than he has ever shown in defending Americans.

Paul Ryan says he's for smaller government, and he's funded every big government idea that there is.

Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish in D.C. He is absolutely an open borders guy, through and through.

In choosing Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney made a fantastic choice and a bold statement to the American people.

I think Paul Ryan would make a great speaker. And people like him are the kinds of people that we need.

If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan get elected to the White House, Medicare will be bankrupt by the end of their first term.

Paul Ryan is the establishment tool in D.C. that tries to splinter groups and does not work for the will of the people.

I hate picking a bone with Paul Ryan; he's a friend of mine, but I think he needs to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Immigration and border security are two separate issues, but Paul Ryan has taken the wrong side on both of those, in fact.

I get along very well with Paul Ryan personally. We have very deep differences on policy issues. But we express them civilly.

I don't want to sit here and disparage Paul Ryan the man, because he's a good guy. He's a moral person. He's a decent person.

I'm very happy that Paul Ryan has decided to treat Donald Trump like a Zika mosquito: avoid contact, or you will be infected.

I am looking forward to learning at the knee of Paul Ryan. He doesn't strike me as a politician. He strikes me as an economist.

The Republican ticket in 2012 was Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Whatever again you think of them, that's not a dumbed-down ticket.

Not only has Paul Ryan not died on any hill for a position he believes in to make government smaller, he hasn't even skinned his knee.

Can you name the last time Paul Ryan worked as hard for Wisconsin workers as he has for corporate America? I can't. I can't think of one time.

As recently as 2014, I was a Paul Ryan supporter. I pounded signs and made phone calls on his behalf. I bought his book and gave it out to friends.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan harbor incredible promise for America once they forge an effective partnership.

It's a lot easier to negotiate and be skillful from the majority. I want Paul Ryan negotiating with us. I don't want to have to negotiate with Paul Ryan.

I think Mitch McConnell and, to a degree, Paul Ryan - they do not want Donald Trump's populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented. It's very obvious.

Paul Ryan has been a responsible legislator and public servant, almost alone among members of Congress in his belief that we need to strengthen and save our social entitlements.

Paul Ryan hasn't lacked for a job since he left college as the golden child of Wisconsin Republican politics, riding his family connections into a job with then-Senator Bob Kasten.

If Paul Ryan is re-elected, if he's sent back to Congress, he will push for the biggest amnesty in this country's history; and immediately after his re-election, he will push Obama's jailbreak crime agenda.

Rather than support workers at home or investments in public schools, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan support the Bush-era tax cuts for the very wealthy. They want to hand over our schools to private corporations.

Too bad that Paul Ryan confessed to being a fan of Rage Against The Machine. By doing so, he not only begged for a bucketing by many of their fans but actually got one from the band's guitar player, Tom Morello.

Ted Cruz is not the official spokesman for American conservatism. If you want somebody who has been out there, who has offered an alternative - the person who offered an alternative, for example, is... Paul Ryan.

Charles Manson loved the Beatles but didn't understand them. Governor Chris Christie loves Bruce Springsteen but doesn't understand him. And Paul Ryan is clueless about his favorite band, Rage Against the Machine.

I am very glad that Paul Ryan left the government as a capitulating supplicant to Donald Trump while the government was shut down, while the debt hit record levels, right? Every single thing Paul Ryan claimed to care about.

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