Killing is the payoff of war.

The only real payoff for leadership is eternal.

The payoffs in showbiz seemed as random as a slot machine.

You've got to kick fear to the side, because the payoff is huge.

Small kindnesses often, unintentionally, produce the biggest payoffs.

People enter Web sites hoping to be led somewhere, hoping for a payoff.

A game is defined by the players' strategy domains and payoff functions.

We're perfectly willing to trade away a big payoff for a certain payoff.

What payoff are you getting for remaining stuck at this point in your expansion?

The results are the payoff. And all this sweating and hard work will be worth it.

Achievers don't submit to instant gratification; they INVEST in the LONG-TERM payoff

It is the love that we give and the service we render that really is the great payoff.

There is something inherently foolish in soldiering on when there is no hope of payoff.

Making a video is one of the most exciting things for artists and fans. It's like a payoff.

The cost of praising someone is nil - but every psychological study shows the payoff is huge.

The payoff of a human venture is, in general, inversely proportional to what it is expected to be.

Playing someone difficult is tough and can be discouraging, but if you beat them the payoff is huge!

If the audience knows you can be funny when you want to be, they will be willing to wait for that payoff.

If somebody else is making the rules for you, no matter how good the payoff is for you, you're being conned.

If you go about life the right way and you're good to other people that will show and will payoff in the long run.

People aren't honest about the horrors of fame. The downsides are so overwhelming that, for me, there is no payoff.

Good work is such an incredible payoff. And I know that I'll be working until the end, because good work excites me.

Directing is a huge amount of work with very little payoff, and a quarter of the money, and nine times more time spent.

I feel like every conversation with my father is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie; 90 minutes of build-up to no payoff.

Among golfers the putter is usually known as the payoff club and how right that is! Putting is in fact a game in itself.

If a company's stock is undervalued - as many managers believe theirs is - a repurchase may offer the best payoff of all.

Where would heist movies be without the Big Score - that payoff so irresistible it can lure the most jaded desperado out of hiding?

The best practical advice then is: try to maximize your expected payoff, which is the sum of all payoffs multiplied by probabilities.

I felt guilty about what happened on 'Twin Peaks.' All of a sudden, to have that kind of payoff for doing so little seemed very strange.

Our reforms to criminal record disclosure will benefit ex-offenders, but there will a broader, more significant payoff for everyone in society.

I love touring, more than anything. Doing the stage show is a more enjoyable process than TV. There are no safeguards but the payoff is the wow factor.

The payoff of a customer-centric approach to software and digital product design is substantial and long-lasting for both companies and their customers.

Democrat women lead the way in showing other women how to be stepped on and diminished by men. That's what they do, for a payoff somewhere down the line.

It's hard for bands to stick it out because people grow up, and it never really pays off. If you're looking for some sort of payoff, it's not gonna happen.

There are so many shows that go on endlessly until they lose their original spark, or mysteries that are cancelled before they ever get a chance to payoff.

Like your home's closets, your financial clutter needs an overhaul every now and again, and the payoff will go far beyond the psychic satisfaction of neatening up.

A lot of the jokes had some build-up to some nasty stuff. But most of it was all character situations leading to what the ultimate payoff would be for that character.

The reward is every night. The 90 minutes is such a payoff for us every night; it makes it all worth it to us. The fans who come to the shows know how much we enjoy this.

With music, you're working with a producer, and you walk out of the studio six hours later with a track that's almost completely finished. There's an almost immediate payoff.

Someone putting down $25 of his or her hard-earned money to buy my product, then doing it again because they felt the payoff was worth it. That's as good as it gets for an author.

The most immediately gratifying thing about my work is conducting a large orchestra. But the long range payoff is composing because you've written something and it's there forever.

There is an immediate payoff to intelligent design: it destroys the atheistic legacy of Darwinian evolution. Intelligent design makes it impossible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.

The Matrix itself is not some external evil, but rather an outcome of our own error, our karmic payoff of past actions. Not merely illusion, it is an allusion to a founding myth of our culture.

Sometimes I'm dealing with so much business, and my mind will be so stressed, that I'll go a week without writing... But the benefit of doing everything yourself is that you get a major payoff.

What is the real purpose behind the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus? They seem like greater steps toward faith and imagination, each with a payoff. Like cognitive training exercises.

From an acting standpoint, you've got to continue to trust your gut because, ultimately, only that will result in a better product, making the audience more happy and resulting in the right payoff.

Is it harder having kids and working? It definitely is, but the payoff is you get to go home to your kids, and it all balances out. And I know I'm a better mother when I'm engaged in something outside of the house.

We raised almost 2 million dollars at the last golf tournament that can be used for minority scholarships and Junior Golf programs. The payoff for the work we do is so much more valuable than the work we actually do for it.

Unraveling the threads of a good game story is like solving a well-crafted puzzle. After a lengthy, sometimes difficult journey, the pieces click into place, and you're rewarded with the satisfying payoff of a job well done.

When I'm on tour, I'm in a new city every single night, and the energy and the crowds and the kids and the screaming and them knowing every single word of my music and being onstage is such an energetic feeling with a big payoff.

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