There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people.

The more things you own, the more people you need to employ.

I think being an athlete prepares you for more things than people give us credit for.

The odd things that people say to you are so much more hilarious than what you can come up with.

I'm just an early adopter; I subscribe to more things than normal people and have a high level of inbound and a high level of noise.

I've often said there's no such thing as a track record in TV. I seen people who created things much more successful than mine treated like dirt.

I think people are a lot more sensitive than they used to be, and quite rightly so. I don't think we should be using racial jokes and things like that.

As we realize that more and more things have global impact, I think we're going to get people increasingly wanting to get away from a purely national interest.

But now that I'm cartooning full-time, I'm more of an observer. I'm talking to people who are experiencing these things. But it's not like being in the trenches.

I think a lot of people want stories or lives to have very distinct beginnings, middles, and endings. Generally, I think things are a little more fluid than that.

As unique as we all are, an awful lot of us want the same things. We want to shake up our current less-than-fulfilling lives. We want to be happier, more loving, forgiving and connected with the people around us.

It is no secret that our tax code is drastically outdated and burdensome to all Americans. Fortunately, more and more people are aware daily of the inequities that arise from things such as the estate tax, and it has come to the forefront of Congress' agenda.

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