I studied performing arts at college and wanted to act.

I've always been involved with the performing arts from a young age.

We've taken some performing arts schools on the set of 'Breaking Bad.'

I had gone to the High School of the Performing Arts in New York City.

I think acting is the most difficult one among all the performing arts.

For one year I did go to Performing Arts School, and I had very weird friends.

I didn't go to a normal high school. It was for people in the performing arts.

I went to the High School for Performing Arts, and to Howard University on a talent scholarship.

Born in the Village. My mom still lives on Bleeker Street. I went to the performing arts high school.

Even though I feel I am a bit reticent and shy, performing arts like dancing and acting is like my alter ego.

Fiorello LaGuardia saved City Center. The real man saved it, and he made this building into a performing arts venue.

I went to a performing arts high school, we learned Shakespeare, I did 'Fences.' When you train, you can do anything.

I did go to a performing arts school, so that facilitated my creativity, though I ended up going in a more musical direction.

I went to a Canadian college for performing arts and then I auditioned for Canadian Idol. That honestly was my golden ticket.

Unless we build theater and performing arts, then we're not going to be creating future patrons. We need to make it accessible.

My mom put me into a performing arts elementary school back in Cincinnati, so I started studying acting in school when I was seven.

I was always in dance and performing arts school. All of my schools were performing arts. I'm the one that, like, turns up the whole party.

Mum and Dad always wanted me to do whatever I was happy doing. I nearly went to art college at 16, but decided to do a BTEC in performing arts.

I think the Apollo has always been the people's performing arts center and reflected the community, whether it is Stevie Wonder or Tito Puente.

Miss Goodblatt would call on me to read. She said I had a talent. So on a whim, I auditioned for the High School of Performing Arts in Manhattan.

I went to the Performing Arts School and studied classical ballet. That attitude is something that's put into your head. You are never thin enough.

The world is a complicated place, and there's a lot of division between people. The performing arts tend to unify people in a way nothing else does.

I went to public school my whole life. It was a performing arts school, so I can't say if it was a typical experience or not, because it's all I know.

More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic.

And if you think this young boy, from Dallas, Texas, is adding to the canon of theater arts, of performing arts, of cinema, well I'm humbled and I'm very excited.

I studied acting for 10 years before I went for an audition. I studied with Lee Strasberg and Actors Studio teachers, and went to the High School of Performing Arts.

I'd love to do more theatre and acting. I attended a performing arts high school in London, and it would be great to be able to put all of that training to use again.

Everyone at a performing arts schools is weird. The weirder you were, the better. If you weren't weird in some way, they'd look at you and be like, 'Who's that square?'

I was at college doing performing arts, and just spending all my time mucking about, and the lecturers thought I would be pretty good at stand-up, so I gave it a whirl.

I went to performing arts camp, secretly taking classes - I got the lead in the musical, and my dad was like, 'Wait, I thought you were going here for music and knitting'.

Before I left for Germany, I had gotten accepted to the performing arts high school in New York, which was a big dream of mine. And having to leave that was very sad for me.

I come from the corporate world, where everyone has a five-year plan, but performing arts doesn't work that way; you just kinda do the best job you can with the gig you've got.

I definitely want to have a career in the TV/film industry, as I love acting, but if it all goes to pot, I want to set up a performing arts school for children with special needs.

I'm very much half-American - my mom is American. I grew up in Australia until I was 16, then I finished high school over here because I got into this performing arts high school.

My brother and sister were very sporty. They all did rugby. I was very into performing arts. I went to the National Youth Music Theatre. I was one of those singing, clapping children.

When I grew up in Cincinnati in 1974, the Board of Education set up the performing school, similar to the New York performing arts school, and it was in walking distance from my school.

I know if I wasn't making music and acting, I would be involved in the performing arts world in some way. I would be either writing and making music for other artists or producing movies.

I grew up with gay family members, and I went to a performing arts high school. So I grew up in children's theater, musical theater, and all of my life has been around the LGBT community.

I lived at home while attending the University of Western Australia in Perth, while doing a gap year and - partly - while attending the Academy of Performing Arts on the other side of town.

My son is a musician who next year will be attending the LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts in New York City, which his mother helped him get into by making him practice all the time.

I was definitely Theater-Band Geek/Straight-Up Boss Subgroup C. I was really into band and theater and super into music at the time. I loved performing arts, and that would definitely be my group.

Upon graduating from my acting program at The Pacific Conservatory of Performing Arts in Santa Maria, CA, I went to my first tap audition. It was for the 1st national equity tour of '42nd Street.'

I went to a performing arts school, and we studied musical theater, jazz vocal performance, and they kind of start you out on those things because they feel like it is a good foundation, and it was.

I went to the Brit School for the performing arts in Croydon at 14, picking music as my main subject, and I'm so glad I did. I knew lots of people who'd gone there, so I always had my mind set on it.

I moved to New York and went to a performing arts college, but it wasn't until UCB that I started performing on the regular, figuring out how I'm funny, why I'm funny, and how to play with an audience.

I always wanted to be an actor ever since I was a little kid. I knew that I had to do something related to performing arts, and I enjoyed acting the most as it incorporated so many different art forms.

My mom is an art teacher and is very much into the performing arts. What can I say? She is the female in my life and has guided me on how to act and conduct myself. A lot of my strength comes from her.

I grew up always around music through my father - I would play in music studios with him as I was growing up - and my high school, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts.

When I was in 'Billy,' I always knew that I wanted to do something in performing. I always knew that I wanted to have a future in the performing arts. I had no idea that it was going to be acting in movies.

I'm into sincerity in music and sincerity in art. If it doesn't feel true, I don't want to do it. Things that are too dramatic scare me. I think that's why I don't always fit into the world of performing arts.

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