Look back, and smile on perils past.

Look back, and smile on perils past.

When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph.

When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph.

Glory is the child of peril.

All art is at once surface and symbol.

We all covet wealth, but not its perils.

You underestimate John Bolton at your peril.

Perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures.

It is amidst great perils we see brave hearts.

Misprize common sense at your peril is my motto.

Love is a dangerous commodity-fraught with peril.

Unless a nation's life faces peril, war is murder.

A fool too late bewares when all the peril is past.

You cannot institute, without peril of charlatanism.

Ecological thought rejects consumerism at its peril.

There are no rules, but you break them at your peril.

To vanquish without peril is to triumph without glory.

All our perils are nothing, so long as we have prayer.

The sweetest joys of life grow in the very jaws of its perils.

I do feel if we underestimate the viewer, it's at our own peril.

The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril

The young reed dies so easily. Beginnings are times of great peril.

The familiar trope of the woman in peril doesn't really interest me.

A woman is at her greatest peril in the presence of a beautiful man.

Electricity, the peril the wind sings to in the wires on a gray day.

Every thinker puts some portion of an apparently stable world in peril.

The perils of overwork are slight compared with the dangers of inactivity.

For I am fresh of spirit, and resolved To meet all perils very constantly.

Indeed we are all in peril if the flawed messenger invalidates the message.

If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

All choices are fraught with peril, but inaction is the most perilous of all.

Take anything seriously in life, and you set yourself up for peril - trust me.

I am wise enough to know that there are some perils from which a man must flee.

Like all paradises, Topanga is pitched at the tipping point of promise and peril.

It is only if you happen to be a newscaster that the tongue-twister spells peril.

It's pretty tough to intimidate me. And that's probably at my own peril sometimes.

The best way to use the gold of the Redeemer is for the redemption of those in peril.

The honors of this world, what are they but puff, and emptiness, and peril of falling?

We will neglect our cities to our peril, for in neglecting them we neglect the nation.

Many people are aware that we are in peril and that there is no trustworthy leadership.

Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril.

Putting our ecosystem in great peril is certainly not a part of Chinese culture that I know.

All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.

I think to the extent Republicans depart from the historic commitment, we do so at our peril.

I will not fear, for you are ever with me and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

As many have noted, the peril for authors is that our work space is too easily our play space.

If a place is in your blood, you leave it at your peril. You will never be happy anywhere else.

We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard.

The real peril of war lies not in military defeat. It lies in war itself, whether we win or lose.

When both my editors say 'This is really bad, you need to change this,' I ignore that at my peril.

No one is worthy of a good home here or in heaven that is not willing to be in peril for a good cause.

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