My first live performance was the lead in 'Peter Pan.'

I love little Peter Pan collars and little puff sleeves.

I'd done 'Peter Pan' in a little pre-K class or whatever.

It's the Peter Pan in me, I don't think I'll ever grow up.

As a kid, I read 'Peter Pan,' and I really wanted to be him.

Peter Pan has been one of my dream roles since I was a child.

I hope I'll die on stage at the age at 105, playing Peter Pan.

All children, except two, grow up: Peter Pan and Donald Trump Jr.

'Peter Pan' is tried and true - it's a story that everybody knows.

The thing with 'Peter Pan' is it's been done so well so many times.

I never realized until recently how much my life parallels Peter Pan.

'Peter Pan' makes 'Black Watch' and 'The Bacchae' look like a walk in the park.

I dressed like Leslie Caron as a teenager: soft school pleats, Peter Pan collars.

I used to go to the supermarket dressed as Peter Pan when I was about five years old.

You may shelve your Shakespearian plans for the present. I am going to play Peter Pan.

For Halloween, I've gone trick-or-treating as Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, and Robin Hood.

I heard about the Holocaust before hearing the 'Cinderella' story or watching 'Peter Pan.'

If anything's going to go wrong, it'd go wrong during 'Peter Pan,' not 'The Sound of Music.'

I'm Welsh. We didn't do 'Peter Pan.' We have far more ancient legends to be put to sleep with.

I love musical theater. That's what I started off to do when I was 7, and my first show was 'Peter Pan.'

When I was a kid, I saw 'Peter Pan,' and I loved Captain Hook and the Lost Boys because they were the 'bad boys.'

'The Admirable Crichton' is probably Barrie's most famous work after 'Peter Pan', nearly a pendant to that classic.

I'm going through life's cycles at an alarmingly fast pace, but my persona has a Peter Pan quality: he doesn't age.

It's kind of a Peter Pan thing: I want to stay a kid. I love it. But I guess you have to grow up someday. Everybody does.

Being stuck in adolescence - that's a hell. 'Peter Pan' is a dystopia, and we forget that. Neverland is a bad place to be.

'Peter Pan' is my favorite. I love the idea that all the Lost Boys were orphans, and that they wanted Wendy to be their mom.

To be honest, Peter Pan was one of those fairy tales that I sort of related to, and I think that's the case with a lot of kids.

I am part of this generation with 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Peter Pan.' I think we all grew up in this culture of pirates.

We cannot forget about Rachel Maddow. She is the Peter Pan of MSNBC. But instead of never growing up, she never gets to the point.

I'm not wholesome at all. I detest homey things like cooking and bed-making and Peter Pan collars. I like to wear slacks and play golf.

What many people don't know about 'Peter Pan' is that it's a very violent book and Hook is one of the most finely observed villains ever.

It's been amazing to play a character that's known by so many people, especially because everyone knows at least something about Peter Pan.

Carrie Underwood clearly drove 'The Sound of Music.' For 'Peter Pan,' we had terrific actors but not stars, and we did not do nearly as well.

I think everyone is introduced to the Peter Pan story when they're very young. Everyone has read the book and watched the Disney film and all that.

It's so fun to make up stories, but I find that the songs that I'm most proud of came from a real thing in my life - 'Peter Pan' being one of those.

'Peter Pan,' I think, was a game-changer. That was the first song that really had some heartbeat to it... I think that's the song that got people's attention.

When we were filming, I thought that I was Peter Pan, you know? I thought I was the coolest kid in the world, so I wound up being the coolest kid in the world.

I heard my name associated with the Peter Pan syndrome more than once. But really, what's so wrong with Peter Pan? Peter Pan flies. He is a metaphor for dreams and faith.

I remember how much - when I was a small boy I was taken to see a version of 'Peter Pan.' I detested it. I mean, the sentimental idea that anybody would want to remain a boy.

I love 'Peter Pan' to death. It's one of the most influential pieces of storytelling in my life. It made a huge impact on how I grew up. I love the cartoon. I love the 2003 version.

When I got the phone call that I was told I was Peter Pan, I freaked out, because I was like, 'Wow! How does that happen?' But pretty much, from there on, everyone's been so lovely.

I still find it quite easy to find my way into a child's imagination. We're all Peter Pan ourselves in some respects. Everybody should keep some grip on childhood, even as a grownup.

The ideology of Miller's 'lost boys' is an incandescent mix derived from PlayStation violence, Iraq news footage, Peter Pan, William Burroughs's 'Wild Boys,' and anti-G8 millenarianism.

Peter Pan is kind of this metaphor for someone or something that makes you feel at home, that brings you out of loneliness, that makes you free. And that's exactly what music does for me.

I love soundtracks to movies and am always touched by the music if it's good. The music in some old Disney movies, like 'Pinocchio,' 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Peter Pan' really gets to me.

To be honest, Peter Pan was one of those fairy tales that I sort of related to, and I think that's the case with a lot of kids. The whole idea of escapism really resonates with a lot of kids.

I've got Peter Pan syndrome. It's not that I refuse to grow up - I love building businesses; I want to be a good husband, a good father. But I don't want to be boring. I don't want to be normal.

I had seen 'Hook' growing up - it was one of my favorite films - and I had seen the version of 'Peter Pan' that Jason Issacs was in, and I had seen the older versions, obviously the Disney version.

I used to have a lot of recurring dreams about Captain Hook when I was a little kid, which I remember very vividly. But I think I just really liked Peter Pan a lot, and 'Hook' was my favorite movie.

Growing up, I would have to say I loved 'Peter Pan' because I was fascinated by Captain Hook; I was fascinated by Hans Conried, who was an actor on screen and also a theatrical and television actor.

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