The only weapon we have is comedy.

Philosophy is really homesickness.

Be the change that you want to see

By daily dying, I have come to be.

Fair speech may hide a foul heart.

Never look back' is my philosophy.

Art is far feebler than necessity.

Adversity's sweet milk, philosophy.

Philosophy is talk on a cereal box.

Unbind your mind, there is no time.

We live on the leash of our senses.

The best of humanity is philosophy.

I decline to accept the end of man.

Philosophy is everybody's business.

Nothing is impossible for pure love.

Leisure is the Mother of Philosophy.

Logic is in the eye of the logician.

Philosophy teaches you to think big.

Science is a cemetary of dead ideas.

Philosophy is the product of wonder.

None but blockheads copy each other.

Why change the world? Change worlds!

The end of labor is to gain leisure.

Philosophy is nothing but discretion.

I'm drawn between the light and dark.

If the art is concealed, it succeeds.

A body in movement is its philosophy.

Propaganda replaces moral philosophy.

History after all is the true poetry.

Philosophy is the health of the mind.

Philosophy! the lumber of the schools.

Slow are the beginnings of philosophy.

The universe is a philosophical abyss.

Presume not that I am the thing I was.

Never judge a philosophy by its abuse.

If nobody loved, the sun would go out.

Hard distinctions make bad philosophy.

Nothing is perfect on the human stage.

These precious things, let them bleed.

The Killer in me is the Killer in you.

Never forget who you are, little star.

Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional

Vain wisdom all, and false philosophy.

All the words of wisdom sound the same.

The essence of jiu-jitsu is philosophy.

Life is sweet, life is also very short.

Moving ahead, so life won’t pass me by.

My style philosophy is: Be comfortable.

You may be wrong, but you may be right.

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