I never picked an opponent.

I got picked on a lot as a kid.

Nobody likes to be picked on. Nobody.

I picked up photography in high school.

I've picked up a few scars during games.

My game has really picked up in the NBA.

I picked up a harmonica and taught myself.

Just by luck, I picked good heroes to worship.

Like many others who stand out, I was picked on.

I never picked a bass up before Sabbath started.

I was a shy kid. I was awkward. I was picked on.

When punk picked up black leather, I put it down.

This is one hell of a business I picked to be in.

Ever since I picked up a bass, I've written songs.

Most of my jewellery is what I picked up in India.

I picked up a guitar, and I knew what I wanted to do.

I picked up the guitar at 15 because of Taylor Swift.

TV sort of picked up for me before my theater career did.

I don't think I picked up a 'Vogue' until I was, like, 16.

I had developed a sitcom with UPN, but it wasn't picked up.

I had not picked up a tennis racket in 15 years, so I tried.

I just want to do well in every game that I'm picked to play.

Everyone picked on me in school because I was in foster care.

I don't pick the leader of another party. Likud picked Netanyahu.

A group of girls didn't like me and picked on me on a daily basis.

I just picked up golf, it was good, give me a chance to play golf.

I actually first picked up an ukulele before I picked up a guitar.

Being a 13-year-old girl who is constantly picked on is unbearable.

When I picked athletics, I knew I wanted to be an Olympic champion.

If we had picked Manziel, he'd guarantee our relevance for 10 years.

I grew up nerdy, scrawny, playing video games, and getting picked on.

It really wasn't about picking Chicago. I feel like Chicago picked me.

When I was picked to fly the X-1, it was my duty to fly it, and I did.

I first picked up a violin aged five - I just assumed everyone played.

I bent my head over a stove in my early 20s and picked it up in my 30s.

'Gut' was my nickname. And I was picked on terribly by many, many kids.

I'm no genius, but I'm real smart in one area - I picked the right mate.

I don't like to be picked on. Growing up where I did you learn to fight.

I thought not getting picked in the first round was the end of the world.

Not only am I having a girl, but I picked the girl from her little embryo.

I always wanted to do be an allrounder. I don't know why I picked keeping.

Edna - when I first picked her up, she had a voice that really spoke to me.

'Brothers McMullen' would not be picked up for theatrical distribution now.

The player picked as No 23 in the squad will not win the World Cup for you.

I picked up the guitar when I was 4, and from then, I could never be bored.

If I believed in fate I'd be very curious why I picked the name Silver Jews.

I've picked up a lot of muscle weight. I have to be a physically strong guy.

Jeff Beck is one of my heroes and has been since I first picked up a guitar.

If there's someone getting picked on, be nice to them and be helpful to them.

At 12 or 13, I picked up a guitar because my mother made me learn how to play.

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