Clapton was just picking up ideas. He picked up some of mine like I picked up some from the people before me.

I never picked fights. I'm never going to start to pick fights. If they ask me to fight someone, I'll say yes.

I was clearly the singing and dancing actor. When I was picked for serious roles, it came to me as a surprise.

I feel like I've won every year the show has been picked up by Logo because, really, nothing beats a paycheck.

I had no aspirations to be a musician, but I picked up a guitar for two seconds and haven't put it down since.

Malaysian Tamil movies are amateurish, with songs picked up from our old Tamil movies and inserted in between.

I've never picked any of my opponents - from Amir Khan to Lucas Matthysse to Keith Thurman to Lamont Peterson.

It's refreshing going from getting picked on in middle school to getting my name screamed out across the street.

I told the Mucinex people, 'You picked me because I always sound sick'. They were like, 'Well, it doesn't hurt'.

I don't want to say why I should be picked over somebody. I just want to say why I should be picked for any team.

I was a pretty insecure kid, didn't have a lot of friends, and was picked on a lot, and music gave me confidence.

I had 'Breaking In' at Fox, and that was a constant stopping and starting of getting canceled and picked up again.

I used to submit to anthologies and magazines when I was a student - but I knew I was never going to be picked up.

I didn't think of football growing up. This wasn't my career, something I chose. It was something I was picked in.

I've always thought that having an attractive free agent is better than a guy who was picked in the seventh round.

When I got picked up by the Tapout crew and was featured on their reality show, that really jumpstarted my career.

Offal and offcuts such as head and feet can be picked up for next to nothing, and eating them helps to avoid waste.

Whenever I used to do sports at school, there were those children who were picked last. I just wasn't picked at all.

I guess I learnt to appreciate old Hindi-movie music from my dad and somewhere down the line picked up jazz as well.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite American traditions. I quickly picked it up when I moved to the U.S. from Sweden.

I told Gamboa he picked the wrong fighter and the wrong city, and I was right. I never felt any danger in the fight.

My father was a pioneer in so many ways. He was fearless, and I think that I kind of picked that up from him as well.

I grew up hard. I picked cotton and plowed with the mule and fixed the cars and played with the guitar and the piano.

I've picked up a lot of fans from doing 'Ugly Betty': a lot of teenagers who didn't even know I had a singing career.

As an actress - and as an actor, too, but it's worse for actresses - you constantly get picked apart for how you look.

From the time I was very little and I first picked up a ball, in the back of my head I thought I would coach the game.

Anything you strike, anything you shake or rattle, or just anything that can be picked up, and you can create a sound.

So I got home, and the phone was ringing. I picked it up, and said 'Who's speaking please?' And a voice said 'You are.'

I thought I was going to be YG's DJ forever. I didn't plan on producing; I just picked up producing and got good at it.

When summer squash is freshly picked, all it needs is a little olive oil, salt, pepper, and maybe a hit of lemon juice.

One of my favorite memories was one time Prince picked me up and said we were going to Michael Jordan's birthday party.

From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it.

You can never predict what's going to be successful, so you have to do the one you really love, and I picked 'Mad Men.'

When you do a film, you get picked up in a car, lunch is free. Theatre is really hard, and you get absolutely no money.

I really hate when I do a great song with great lyrics but my voice just don't fit because of the type of beat I picked.

I was the little kid growing up. I wasn't picked on because, honestly, I was fast, so I could run away from the bullies.

While I was in school, a local magazine picked the 10 best students, and they picked me and profiled me in the magazine.

By now everyone knows that I picked Kentucky, and I am definitely happy with my decision and that it's all finally over.

I used to take circus lessons. I dreamt of being picked up in the street because they saw me doing something circus-like.

I was such a big football fan in general, I just watched as many games as I could and I picked up things from every game.

Sometimes I was in school plays, but only when the kid they'd originally picked got sick and they asked me to substitute.

I never picked up a guitar as a kid, partly because my dad didn't want the noise in our little back-to-back in Sheffield.

I think that N.W.A. picked up where Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King would have gone if they hadn't been assassinated.

Truth be told, I think jazz is a mind-set. It's not necessarily, like, this guy picked up a horn and did this or whatever.

I fell asleep during the draft, actually. I woke up, and I was picked No. 48. I didn't even know what number I was picked.

All the song choices that we've picked are unique in their own right. They're fun, and it's really just to engage our fans.

My mother wanted my sister and me to live a normal life. I always picked friends who weren't impressed with my family ties.

Jesus picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organisation that conquered the world.

I think I've been really good at surrounding myself with really talented people. I've picked the right coattails to ride on.

My son Matthew's beloved dog is a Jack Russell. His name is Buster. Matthew picked him as a puppy, when he was tiny himself.

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