I won't name any names, but I've done a couple of shows where once the pilot got picked up, the creators openly said, 'I have no idea where we're going.'

I have a stack of those plastic card hotel room keys that I picked up on this latest book tour. It's about a yard tall. Ah yes, a stack of lonely nights.

Some basic things I have picked up from Dad is how to interpret my character correctly, use the camera to my advantage and how not to hurry up with work.

I started playing piano; I picked up a ukulele, and I loved it and kept playing that. I play a bit of guitar, and some African drums from back in the day.

I never staged a coup. They picked me up. Like I say, they forced me to become premier, maybe hoping that by that way, they send me to the electric chair.

I picked up 'On Moral Fiction' in the bookstore and looked up myself in the index, but I didn't read it through. I try not to read things that depress me.

Certain people who care about me a lot have said 'You don't play the game, and if you don't play the game, you don't get picked for the team all the time.

I wasn't picked for the improv group in college - not because I wasn't good, but because I was told I didn't fit the group, didn't gel with their dynamic.

I was always following my brothers. If my brothers hadn't played, I never would have picked up a racket. Tennis isn't the most popular sport in Venezuela.

The negative thing about working on a breakfast show is that the alarm goes off at 2:15 A.M., and I get picked up at 2:30 A.M. That's just insanely early.

I pitched a storyline, and as far as I know it's been picked up. It's for the third and final episode I'm contracted to do. But I can't give any spoilers.

As far as I'm aware, you can't tell if something is going to be successful. Brilliant scripts often don't get picked up, and terrible ones do all the time!

When I first picked up an instrument, nothing really happened. I played piano when I was a little kid. I hated it so much, I actually don't play piano now.

There were, of course, ups and downs. But whenever my parents were knocked down, in business or anything else, they picked themselves up and started again.

I cook stuff that I picked up from my husband's mother. I thought that would be a good way to his heart, you know. I love to cook Italian and French, also.

I think kids growing up, if they were picked on and feeling inferior at 12, they're going to feel that way at 72. You just deal with it better. I'm serious.

A lot is made of my injuries and yes, I've had niggles and muscle problems. Some managers haven't picked me, and my form has played a part at times as well.

Watching Mum work hard made me do the same. I've watched her since I was little, and I've picked up on how hard she works and the fire she has in her belly.

The great thing coming from sports is you understand the concept of a team. It leaves no room for being selfish, and that's something I picked up from home.

If part of the purpose of making an album is to get some radio play, then you might as well think about that. But that's not really how we picked the songs.

Didgeridoo was something I picked up while I was on tour in Australia with Peter Gabriel in '93. I found out later that it's only meant to be played by men.

I count it as a major victory to not only be on a series that's had a full season run, but to actually be on one that's gotten picked up for a second season.

Black coffee is the latest fad I have picked up. Then there are my endless cups of chai! I'm trying to cut down and keep it to no more than three cups a day.

I write screenplays that don't get made and pilots that don't get picked up, and I re-write other people's movies, and those are all different kinds of fees.

I just picked up a lot of classic-rock, melodic influence from my mom, music that she listened to, like 10,000 Maniacs, Led Zeppelin, REO Speedwagon and Yes.

In 2012, we had just won the league with City, and I was really high on confidence going into the Euros when I picked up an injury, which meant I couldn't go.

In school, all my teachers and my mum were super routing for me to study at Oxford. I picked music as a career choice, and this didn't sit too well with them!

I started playing drums at three, then piano at five, then clarinet. But it wasn't till I picked up a saxophone aged 13 that I really got serious about music.

I mean, I gotta say one of the greatest victories on that show was when we got picked up for the back nine of the first season, and they made it a full order.

There was so long from when we did the pilot and then when the show was eventually picked up by Comedy Central - and, in fact, we had to shoot the pilot twice.

I started playing when I was about 16, and I got picked for the England youth team when I was 17 because I was doing quite well. It's all spiralled from there.

In my late teens, I fell out of love with music - you know how kids are, when you're encouraged to do something, you rebel. But then I picked it back up again.

I won't lie - I picked up the occasional gossip magazine in the past because I thought that maybe 5 to 10 percent of it was true. Now I think it's zero percent.

I don't care about the money. I'm just interested in the perks. I'll do a series if I am picked up by a limo, work only until 4, and the show is shot in Hawaii.

My mother was a huge, huge reader. I think I picked up very early how precious it was to write things in books and have people like my mother glued to the page.

I feel like, with makeup, I really picked it up on my own. There's no one really in my family - my grandma is probably the closest - who loves makeup like I do.

I failed at the biggest things there are in life. I failed in my health, I failed in my marriage, I failed in everything, and I've picked myself up and gone on.

Television and movies just take so long. If you pitch a show or develop a project, it can be a year before your show even gets on the air, if it gets picked up.

Actresses do glamorous roles, and then, after 10 films, they do an offbeat one. But Alia didn't do that. She picked films like 'Highway' and 'Udta Punjab,' too.

I got off the school bus every day at the driving range. I'd hit balls and goof around all day out there. I picked up balls by hand every night. That was my job.

I think I deliberately sold out a couple of times. I picked the songs that I thought would do well in the marketplace, even though I didn't really love the song.

The way I picked the tracks for '99.9%' was based on the feeling of, 'Is this going to be a hit?' I wanted songs that people would immediately hear and remember.

When Al Gore picked Joe Lieberman, it was a clear declaration of independence from President Clinton; no Democrat had been more critical of Clinton's misconduct.

I have a special child and there are not a lot of services around for that special child, and so we picked out a school that would be a very good school for her.

I spent a lot of time in London when I was growing up and I've always picked up accents without even really meaning to. It used to get me into trouble as a child.

People are getting picked up off the street and getting a show, and it's because we're not using the people that are trying to be entertainers - use more of them.

I don't think the Lakers really knew me when they first drafted me. They just saw my name and my size and my stats. They just picked somebody because they had to.

Peter was sick of being a pop star, the guitar god, and so he decided to teach himself other instruments. Among the instruments that he picked up was the mandolin.

We toyed with the idea of making it a double album, but I think that would only have confused everybody even more, so we decided to stick with the songs we picked.

When my own son was 12, we didn't want toy guns in the house. So he just picked up a stick and went, 'Bam! Bam! Bam!' That's the testosterone of a 12-year-old boy.

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