The Grammys are just the pinnacle of music.

Justice does not descend from its own pinnacle.

I have kind of reached the pinnacle of wrestling.

England is the pinnacle of any Englishman's career.

Marriage is the beginning and pinnacle of civilization.

Reef aquariums are definitely the pinnacle of the hobby.

Being in a Marvel film is the pinnacle of secrecy training.

Jane Austen is the pinnacle to which all other authors aspire.

Who is the pinnacle of male-ness in America? Leonardo DiCaprio.

If I could play Jean Valjean, I think that would be the pinnacle.

I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.

For me, the pinnacle of everything was to be on 'Monday Night Raw.'

It's the pinnacle of Australian cricket, playing in an Ashes series.

The height of the pinnacle is determined by the breadth of the base.

Cornell changed my life; getting in there was one of my pinnacle moments.

There is a life after being at the pinnacle of your beauty. Plenty of life and fun.

I think playing for England is the pinnacle of every young English player's career.

I always said I wanted an Olympic medal. It's the pinnacle of any athlete's career.

Being at the pinnacle of my career is not to turn up in some multiplex blockbuster.

Hyperloop is the ultimate pinnacle of that idea of, 'Can we actually shrink space and time?'

I'd love to reach the pinnacle where you just can't wait to get the new album by Craig David.

George Orwell is a pinnacle writer, for his combination of moral insight and literary writing.

After 'Game of Thrones,' having a character like that, that's like the pinnacle of your career.

It should be the pinnacle of any players' career to get to a World Cup Finals with their country.

Why did I not know that birth is the pinnacle where women discover the courage to become mothers?

I hope I haven't reached a pinnacle...I hope there's something more for me in baseball and in life.

To make it in Formula 1, which is the absolute pinnacle, is incredibly tough no matter what your gender.

The culmination of three trophies was the pinnacle of my career and it has been rewarded with a knighthood.

In any situation in order to excel and reach the pinnacle with a group of people, there have to be sacrifices.

You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity.

I got to the pinnacle of the sport for a reason and that's to make money. I didn't come here just to give handouts.

I always planned to retire when I was at the top and at Manchester United I have reached the pinnacle of my career.

For me, growing up and watching Test cricket and absolutely loving it, that's been the pinnacle for me with cricket.

WWE is a global juggernaut; it is the pinnacle. It is a global entity. You have superstars from Australia, China, Japan.

No question, when you're talking about Grand Slams, they're the pinnacle of the game, and that's what I want to be winning.

I think everyone lifts themselves that little bit extra for the Tour de France, being the pinnacle of our cycling calendar.

There are good players, there are great players, and there are those few at the pinnacle - the Peles, Cruyffs and Maradonas.

There's been a few things that have been insane with 'Rather Be', and being nominated for a Grammy is, like, the pinnacle one.

I was at the pinnacle of my career one day and the next day I was put out to pasture. I felt like a race horse with a broken leg.

Look at the computer industry. I've watched a lot of companies come and go, some that were right at the pinnacle of their success.

To me, the pinnacle of my career is writing for youth. I can die happy: I have succeeded in doing what I have always wanted to do.

It's the ultimate pinnacle of stand-up to have an hour on HBO, but way more people see Comedy Central, and they've been good to me.

For a while I was on the cover of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, which was regarded as the pinnacle of success in America.

Actually, I'm looking forward to being 50. Because to me, that's when a woman is at the pinnacle of her femininity and her womanhood.

I am honored to be a part of that awesome talent, and to have experienced some of the pinnacle moments of the evolution of women's wrestling.

Yesterday I was walking past cows in my village and today I am at Barca, coaching the best players in the world. This is the pinnacle for me.

Football is to be enjoyed and I've enjoyed my life in football for many years, it's the pinnacle of my career and I want to enjoy it the most.

When one deals with stars, he is dealing with intelligent people. If they weren't intelligent, they wouldn't have arrived at the star pinnacle.

When you reach that kind of successful pinnacle, it is the nature of the business and the press and everything that they go about tearing you down.

In college wrestling, you see a lot of talented athletes come in and fail because Division I class wrestling is the pinnacle of wrestling in America.

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