We only get one planet.

Music is another planet.

We are the living planet!

Messi is on another planet.

Pluto is not a planet, but I am.

I am from the planet of elegance.

The planet will continue to cook.

John Muir, Earth-planet, Universe.

There are no jobs on a dead planet.

Your body is your own planet Earth.

I've spent a lot of time off planet.

I grew up on 'Battle of the Planets.'

Electricity comes from other planets.

I'm from the same planet as David Bowie.

We are a blue planet and an ocean world.

The Planet drifts to random insect doom.

I am the luckiest actress on the planet.

I am the best rock drummer on the planet.

I have an ego the size of a small planet.

We will have no jobs if we have no planet.

Share and enjoy the fruits of this planet.

We must learn how to think like the planet.

Paul Scholes is literally on another planet

Diamond planets truly are the most precious.

Man is a sun and his senses are the planets.

Food is just the greatest joy on the planet.

Angry people cannot create a peaceful planet

You cannot have well people on a sick planet.

Activism is my rent for living on the planet.

We are the yearning creatures of this planet.

The planets in their station list'ning stood.

I've always felt like I'm from another planet.

Hello from above our magnificent planet Earth.

That was never a penalty in a million planets.

I am one of the funniest people on the planet.

Phone networks can capture life on our planet.

Never go to Pluto, it's a Mickey Mouse planet.

You can't live a healthy life on a sick planet.

What is the best use of my time on this planet?

Any planet is 'Earth' to those that live on it.

Our health depends on the health of our planet.

I feel like I'm the luckiest man on the planet.

there is no Plan B because there is no Planet B

Could it be that the planets are castaway heads.

There is no business to be done on a dead planet.

South Sudan is the youngest nation on the planet.

It is not an investment if it destroys the planet

In my planet, fashion, I'm the only straight man.

Upon him the contempt of three planets descended.

When you leave the planet, you leave music behind.

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