The world today doesn't please me.

Doubting pleases me no less than knowing

It pleases me that people can be interactive

My life didn't please me, so I created my life.

I am always easy of belief when the creed pleases me.

Vienna is a handsome, lively city, and pleases me exceedingly.

Off I go, rummaging about in books for sayings which please me.

Don't go changing, to try and please me You never let me down before.

I do not wish to please him; I wish that he should wish to please me.

Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.

What would please me most is to make photographs as incomprehensible as life.

Nothing pleases me more than to go into a room and come out with a piece of music.

Some of my youthful readers are developing wonderful imaginations. This pleases me.

I am much more afraid of my good deeds that please me than of my bad deeds that repel me.

I don't ever write with a particular audience in mind. I just write books that please me.

What pleases me most is that sustainable development is on almost everybody's agenda now.

Nothing would please me better than if they would give me three months and then attack here.

Nothing would please me more, but who else would pump the oil that we need? God damn America.

If you want to please me very much, you will fall down when I shoot you," -Oates The White Darkness

There is nothing that pleases me more than a beautiful sentence ... It is something that satisfies me.

My business is only to keep myself in motion, whilst motion pleases me; I only walk for the walk's sake.

I'll go on making films until I make one that pleases me from the first to the last frame. Then I'll quit.

Now that I'm a free agent I mean to make my own choices, and explain them to nobody if that's what pleases me.

Protest is when I say this does not please me. Resistance is when I ensure what does not please me occurs no more.

No woman on this whole earth can please me and cook for me and socialise and talk to me like my American black woman.

It’s in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein.

What probably confuses people is they know a lot about me, but it quite pleases me that there's more they don't know.

It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional.

Through me the energy policy of the whole Common Market is being held up. Without opening old wounds, it pleases me no end.

I work when I feel like I can do something that pleases me, that I think I can give a little more than I've given up to yesterday.

I always ask myself, would I want someone to do something that wasn't comfortable for them just to please me? And the answer is no.

I find it more enjoyable investing time doing what pleases me, rather than wasting precious time attempting to please everyone else.

My wife is my protector. Without her, I'm nothing. She wants to please me, and I want to please her. We've been together over 53 years.

Most people seem to take pleasure in feeling superior to someone. I'm not like that, which pleases me because it makes me feel superior.

I'm absolutely not looking for someone who agrees with me about everything or someone who wants to please me by believing what I believe.

I've never done anything for the common consensus. I do things to please me. If you are happy with something yourself, you become bulletproof.

I don't really want to force anyone to feel a specific way, but if they can keep their body and mind "floating" with my music, that pleases me.

I always figure I'm not unique, and something that would please me hopefully would please a lot of other people that have the same tastes that I do.

I love all the shows that encourage people to love, appreciate and help animals. There are more programs about animals than ever, and that pleases me.

The moments when I first made something, like when I first wrote a song please me so intensely. Everything else after that is just the act of communication.

Some days I'm lucky to squeeze out a page of copy that pleases me, but I get as many as six or seven pages on a very good day; the average is probably three pages.

People in life quote as they please, so we have the right to quote as we please. Therefore I show people quoting, merely making sure that they quote what pleases me

A woman after my own heart. (Stryker) You’re absolutely right about that. Nothing would please me more than ripping that organ out of you and feasting on it. (Zephyra)

If a painting of mine suits me, it is right. If it does not please me, I care not if all the great masters should approve it or the dealers buy it. They would be wrong.

I want him to burn for me, to not be able to go a day without touching me, holding me, caressing me. He'll be an excellent lover. I want a man who knows how to please me.

I get a chance to observe the moon now, I still see those same images I saw when I was six, and it pleases me to know that that part of my childhood is still embedded in me.

A young sailor boy came to see me to-day. It pleases me to have these lads seek me on their return from their first voyage, and tell me how much they have learned about navigation.

I'd learned something... Food had power. It could inspire, astonish, shock, excite, delight and impress. It had the power to please me... and others. This was valuable information.

I really only have Perfect Fun with myself. Other people won't stop and look at the things I want to look at or, if they do, they stop to please me or to humor me or to keep the peace.

Nothing will ever please me, no matter how excellent or beneficial, if I must retain the knowledge of it to myself. . . . . . No good thing is pleasant to possess, without friends to share it.

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