The BJP decides its own policies.

We have sensible fans and sensible policies.

Good policies need to come with good visions.

What people demand is what the policies serve.

Women overwhelmingly support conservative policies.

Hate, emotionalism, and frustration are not policies.

My policies are multi-ethnic and certainly not racist.

A master of improvised speech and improvised policies.

Utah today remains a battleground for land-use policies.

Our differences are policies; our agreements, principles.

Progressive economic policies lead to a sustainable economy.

Inward-looking unilateral trade policies invite retaliation.

There's always cause for concern if bad policies are pursued.

My policies are producing results and will produce even more.

The president deserves someone who can block for his policies.

We can't double down on the failed energy policies of the past.

It is time for a New Direction for our nation's energy policies.

I tend to agree with many aspects of President Obama's policies.

I'm positively enthusiastic about American surveillance policies.

The American people deserve long-term, forward-thinking policies.

You can like somebody without agreeing with all of their policies.

President Donald Trump's policies are not global but inward-looking.

I'm proud to be associated with the public policies of Richard Nixon.

To support policies that dehumanise others is to dehumanise yourself.

We need community action and policies to support healthy communities.

The pro-growth policies and spending restraint of Conservatives work.

I will work for energy policies that recognize oil won't last forever.

The military wants a system that protects its policies and privileges.

Slowly, ideas lead to ideology, lead to policies that lead to actions.

Obama's economic policies widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

What we have achieved is a good example of how the right policies deliver.

Don't expect liberals to weigh the costs of their sweet-sounding policies.

Birthplace of Obama: Oahu. Birthplace of Obama's budget policies: Neverland.

More climate-friendly, coordinated laws, policies, and incentives are needed.

All policies should be guided by science, not just whose voice is the loudest.

I will never, ever, ever change one thing I did with my policies at city hall.

It is our task to provide policies suited to the different situations of today.

This economy is not getting better and the president's policies are the reason.

Equity and economic justice are now hardwired into all of our climate policies.

We need to stand over our policies when negotiating a programme for government.

I chose not to go into politics and policy. Those policies are my husband's job.

I think there are a lot of policies that have been unfriendly to workers' wages.

In Texas, conservative policies win over stabbing fellow Republicans in the back.

Policies are many, Principles are few, Policies will change, Principles never do.

The Pakistani government and its allies must overhaul their policies in Pakistan.

You know no one will ever accuse me as having the same policies as George W. Bush.

I prefer to work at the policy level, on trying to fix flawed government policies.

We need national economic policies that have been shown to work at the state level.

The U.S. efforts to impose its policies on others are expanding as a threat to all.

There is nothing better than just policies that say, 'Come on: grow your jobs here.'

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