We lived, ate, and breathed pop songs.

Sometimes, I write '60s or '80s style pop songs.

We need more pop songs and more empowering songs.

I admire pop songs that are perfect at three minutes.

I love listening to pop songs in Spanish and Italian.

Pop songs are like a D.J. set crammed into three minutes.

With pop songs, they usually have a three-month roll out.

Many pop songs seem to be more potent now than in their heyday.

There's something about pop songs that are remembered throughout time.

The Knife can't stop cloaking brilliant pop songs in voodoo jam blankets.

A lot of the time, I don't actually relate to what I'm writing about in pop songs.

The Smiths did that well, putting words in pop songs you wouldn't hear anywhere else.

I don't want to sing boring pop songs - I want to sing songs that are meaningful to me.

All my favourite pop songs are the most stupid ones, the ones that are the most obvious.

I don't think writing open-ended lyrics is necessarily an important part of writing good pop songs.

There are no rules when it comes to songwriting, so I'd turn Carter family songs from the 1930s into pop songs.

There's so many different kinds of songs that could be pop songs. I don't think pop songs should sound the same.

My music is not a particular genre. It's not bubblegum or cheese. It's just good songs, pop songs. It's just my songs.

'Time after Time' is one of the best pop songs ever written, in my opinion. It's an incredible, beautiful, timeless song.

My earliest memories as a child are listening to Beatles records, and they are a big part of how I've learned to write pop songs.

I'm used to making songs; that's how I learned to make music. My structures will always be more like pop songs than dance tracks.

I've been writing pop songs for pop stars for a couple years and see what their lives are like, and that's just not something I want.

I started off making music that made fun of pop; now I'm nominated for helping produce pop songs that aim to be as honest as possible.

I don't really have a favorite pop artist - I just listen to some pop songs here and there. Mostly, though, it's Beyonce and show tunes.

Classical music can be catchy, so can African instrumental guitar music. It's not just pop songs that are catchy. Rhythms can be catchy, too.

I love A Day to Remember. They really had that style down of doing heavy songs mixed with pop songs when nobody was doing that style of music.

I don't own an ABBA album, and I never had the urge to go and buy one. If you're just talking about well crafted pop songs, they were fantastic.

In my player, I have a Luis Miguel CD as well as a Brian McKnight CD. I'm known for my very romantic ballads as well as the fun, up-tempo pop songs.

I love pop songs. One that I've heard a lot is 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran. I also love mariachi songs by Alejandro Fernandez and Vicente Fernandez.

I've covered Avril Lavigne. I like good pop songs, and I don't think there should be any kind of preconceptions about where good pop songs come from.

My first break was in my home country with some pop songs that became hits, writing for French singers Christophe & Francoise Hardy, which became hits.

If I look back on my life, you can almost tell the story of it through pop songs. Romances as a teenager, your first kiss, first love, first heartbreak.

The kids out there want something they can relate to, something that's real; most of that whiny stuff isn't real. The cheesy pop songs just bore me to death.

Big Pop songs are born of inspiration and spontaneity. The question becomes how do you create spontaneity when you're going into the studio five days a week?

My view of the world changed completely when I became a mom. I'm suddenly like, 'Do pop songs always say things like this? How could they put that on the radio?'

I've always written pop songs. I tend to take inspiration from more experimental genres, like ambient music, but at the root of the song, it's verse-chorus-verse.

I would always pick pop songs and would sing them even if they were not correct for the audition - which didn't always get me a lot of jobs, but sometimes they did.

There's a lot of vulnerability in songs - I'm not talking about pop songs - from people that are in the art of songwriting more than the commercial enterprise of it.

Pop songs are not as graceful as they used to be. Performers today haven't gone through the regimen of learning how to write. And of course, everyone wants to own copyrights.

I see songs not as a commodity used up when the album goes off the charts, which is often the case with pop songs. I see them as a body of work. Life should be breathed into them.

Growing up, there was only classical music on BBC Radio. We had to listen to the American Forces Network in Germany, which played pop songs, or the pirate radio boats off the coast.

I love pop songs so much and I don't put a ton of pressure on myself as a solo artist to always write the most commercial feeling thing, I just want to write things I would love to listen to.

Drag has always inspired people to come together to be joyous and fight for what matters. If we can do it through beauty and positivity and lip-syncing our favorite pop songs, then let's do it.

In the '80s, they were using an awful lot of technology but hadn't really figured out how it worked yet... You had these really great, simple pop songs turned into these gigantic overproductions.

We like to take pop songs that have really cool, complex melodies or lyrics and strip away all that fluff and electronic noise, and put them back as if they were written for a singer and a piano.

We just made music that we liked and that people liked in Korea, and then people outside of Korea began to like it - in the same way that we hear pop songs from outside of Korea and enjoy them too.

At one time musical theater, particularly in the '40s and '50s, was a big source of pop songs. That's how musical theater started, really - it was just a way of linking several pop songs for the stage.

I feel that Jane's is really a vibe and a time. It wasn't like we were the Beatles. We didn't have crafty pop songs where it sort of didn't matter who played them because they're just really great songs.

I wrote my own pop songs and sang one of them when I went into a stupid beauty competition when I was 16. That was my public debut, and it made my mother even more determined that I should go into opera!

I'm very easily influenced, and I'm also a quick study, so I think when I decided I wanted to write pop songs, I literally just listened to pop radio for six months to get a feel for it and understand it.

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