God plays pranks and directs.

I can't do without playing pranks.

I joke every day, pranks, sometimes.

Pranks vs school = pranks win all day.

You know me... I can't resist a good prank.

When I was in college I did a lot of comedy.

We give each other a hard time, but no pranks.

Literary criticism now is all pranks and polemics.

I kid around a lot, but pranks are not my best strength!

I've been doing pranks my whole life, so I guess I'm pretty good at it.

I wanted to be funny. And I'm always acknowledged for my pranks and jokes nowadays.

It's not like I grew up playing pranks on people, and I was not that girl in school.

I just love pranks, man. They're great. I don't understand why people don't do 'em more often.

I'm always trying to play pranks on people and doing silliness, singing extremely badly and extremely loudly on set.

Not only is a good prank harmless, but, like a good story, it reveals an essential truth that would otherwise be hidden.

I was a shy kid but also very mischievous. Because I looked super innocent, no one could really call me out on my pranks.

The best part of being with the Warriors has been the team camaraderie, the team meals, the team pranks, the bond we share.

My pranks have never been about getting a negative reaction. They've always been a tolerance test for the person I'm engaging with.

Robin Goodfellow, for all his pranks and mischief, was the sweetest, most noble person I'd ever known, and I'd missed him terribly.

I guess when I was a kid I wasn't the type of person playing a lot of pranks. I was the type of person upon whom pranks were pulled.

At the end of the day, I know that I make my living by dressing up, fooling around, playing pranks and giving people a good time. I am enjoying the ride.

I don't really do pranks any more. I have a laugh in the dressing room here, where it's safe, and the guys don't go to the papers and tell them what I've done.

When I was 17, I was always hanging out with the older kids, and a lot of times, the kids that graduated would come back and play pranks. I was a huge, huge, huge prankster.

She's just playing a trick on us. This is just an Alaska Young Prank Extraordinaire. It's Alaska being Alaska, funny and playful and not knowing when or how to put on the brakes.

When I was in college I did a lot of stupid things and I don't want to make an excuse for that. Some of the things that people accuse me of are true, some of them aren't. There are pranks, IMs.

I am just like Dr. Armaan - fun-loving, flirtatious, and tension-free. I am serious about my work, but apart from that, I am always playing pranks on people. As a viewer, I relate more to 'Dil Mill Gayye.'

I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes. I'm not Mr. Debonair Suave. I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes. That doesn't sound very hot to me.

For too long, we've allowed ourselves to equate targeted bullying with innocent teasing, or dismissed it as pranks and ignored the torment and long-term impact that an incident like this has on young people.

During my early years, I was mercurially lively, always in motion, spilling over with pranks, impertinent and precocious, and, at the same time, intractably stubborn and angry if anything went against my will.

I shared so much with Massimo Oddo. He's an intelligent and funny guy whose success speaks for him. He got a few slaps in the face from me for his pranks, as we had very different ideas on how to prepare for a game.

Anonymous blog comments, vapid video pranks and lightweight mash-ups may seem trivial and harmless, but as a whole, this widespread practice of fragmentary, impersonal communication has demeaned personal interaction.

Andy Grammer is probably the closest friend I have in the music industry, so touring with him was just incredible. He's such a soulful, kind guy, and he gives great advice. And he also scares me a lot. He does a lot of pranks.

If anything, 'Friday Night Dinner' is quite mean. All these pranks that we play on each other, there's a lot of hitting and slapping and jumping at each other trying to scare each other. But underneath it all it is a family, so we all love each other.

I met Woz when I was 13, at a friend's garage. He was about 18. He was, like, the first person I met who knew more electronics than I did at that point. We became good friends, because we shared an interest in computers and we had a sense of humor. We pulled all kinds of pranks together.

For about 30 years, Halloween was taken over by pranksters. By the '30s, pranks were causing cities millions of dollars of damage. They considered banning Halloween in many cities, but instead, parents got together and came up with party ideas for kids, and a lot of them involved dressing up and costuming.

I do sometimes find it interesting when I look at a lot of the pranks that are out there, and I see kids doing the exact things that I did in the '90s. Like, I would go out on the street on crutches and fall down, and people would help me. Or I would paint my parents' house plaid; I've seen that replicated.

One of my all-time favorite pranks was gaining unauthorized access to the telephone switch and changing the class of service of a fellow phone phreak. When he'd attempt to make a call from home, he'd get a message telling him to deposit a dime, because the telephone company switch received input that indicated he was calling from a pay phone.

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