Ah, grief makes us precise!

I've made a career of being precise.

I'm very analytical, I'm very precise.

History provides no precise guidelines.

Poetry is as precise a thing as geometry.

I am a precise person in everything I do.

My job is to be OK without a precise plan.

No historical analogies are exactly precise.

Polanski was very precise. I think he still is.

Being patient has made me a more precise fighter.

To be more precise it was the color of heartache.

I don't think Stoppardian has a precise definition.

The nerve. Threatening you and not being precise about it.

Laws must be clear, precise, and uniform for all citizens.

Stories come to us as wraiths requiring precise embodiments.

I try to be precise with my passes but take some risks as well.

I have no problem with anyone being precise about small things.

Be precise in the use of words and expect precision from others

It's not that music is too imprecise for words, but too precise.

On a television show, precise acting isn't the order of the day.

Baking is too precise for me. I cook with a pinch of this or that.

Reading a poem aloud to an audience is gestural as much as precise.

Technology is making gestures precise and brutal, and with them men.

Writing can be either readable or precise, but not at the same time.

What is generally termed reality is, to be precise, a frothy nothing.

To be precise and reckless: that is the consummation devoutly to be wished.

A small silence came between us, as precise as a picture hanging on the wall.

In animation, you do so much planning ahead of time; it has to be so precise.

Be precise. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small.

Everything I've written I see in a very precise way and I hear in my inner ear.

There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about.

I'm precise. I think in proportions. I play games with numbers, and I proportionalise.

I prefer cooking to baking. Baking, to me, is very precise, and it's about perfection.

We are least open to precise knowledge concerning the things we are most vehement about.

I liked Truman very much. He was precise and businesslike. After a while, it was his turn.

Once one's up against it, the precise manner of one's death has obviously small importance.

Guy Pearce is very precise and clear about understanding the rhythm and the music of a scene.

[George Saunders] is very precise about what he is doing. There isn't a thing left to chance.

A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.

There must be a day or two in a man's life when he is the precise age for something important.

I've always enjoyed mathematics. It is the most precise and concise way of expressing any idea.

If we are going to have self-driving cars, the technical specifications should be quite precise.

I was fascinated by the powerful yet precise dance performances of K-pop. I loved Rain and 2NE1.

Losing yourself in the character opens you up in a way that no amount of precise preparation can.

Words fashioned with somewhat over precise diction are like shapes turned out by a cookie cutter.

Boxing is full of chances and it's easy throwing a shot, it's about landing it at the precise time.

Tout ce qu'on invente est vrai, soi-en sure. La poesie est une chose aussi precise que la geometrie.

If I'm writing, I'll say something metaphorical or approximate, whereas scientists are very precise.

Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that. Poetry is as precise as geometry.

To some extent, I'm mildly surprised by every new piece, by the precise path that my interest takes.

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