I was very active during both my pregnancies.

I don't have those great, strong, glowing pregnancies.

I've had great pregnancies, and healthy, beautiful children.

There's only so much planning you can do when it comes to pregnancies, y'know.

Women around the world should have a tool that helps them plan their pregnancies.

If they are opposed to abortion, they should be for preventing unintended pregnancies.

I've got good genes, and my body just always seems to bounce back after my pregnancies.

I am particularly interested in helping to heal women who have a fistula after their pregnancies.

I wish I was one of those cute pregnant girls who wear skinny jeans throughout their pregnancies. But I just gain weight.

My own pregnancies were all about me, me, me. My aches, my pains, my swollen feet, and my body that looked like the Michelin Man.

The states are not free, under the guise of protecting maternal health or potential life, to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies.

My mum had 14 pregnancies - but only four of us survived. We had a little sister born for a few days and she died. There had to be a funeral.

The truth is that contraception saves lives, prevents unplanned pregnancies, improves outcomes for children and reduces the number of abortions.

I represented women with unplanned pregnancies from age 14 to 40, and they range from living in their car to living in the nicest neighborhoods in town.

Morality becomes hypocrisy if it means accepting mothers' suffering or dying in connection with unwanted pregnancies and illegal abortions and unwanted children.

In seven books, I've written my fair share of baby epilogues. Pregnancies and births and even grandchildren have made an appearance in the final pages of my books.

We transported eight giraffes, and there are now nine because one gave birth to a male shortly afterwards. They carry their pregnancies very well-they all looked the same.

I work very hard; I have every day since I started my business, even when I was on bed rest during pregnancies, even when I was dealing with a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

There are so many issues in society - we talk about the violence, the drugs, the unwanted pregnancies - but at the end of the day, it comes down to what we taught our children to be.

They say pregnancies can differ depending on whether you're carrying a girl or boy, so for me, I think having a little boy is definitely easier on my body - or I'm just better prepared!

I was always a little worried, because I had heard different things from different people about their pregnancies; some people have to stay in bed for months... you never know what you're going to get.

When I was pregnant, I wanted to take some time off from acting, but I still needed a creative outlet for myself. My first two books were created during my pregnancies and after giving birth to my first child.

In short, our response as a party should be to work to solve the crises that produce crisis pregnancies, and work to make life worth living for mother and child, rather than victimize the child as a way of dealing with the crisis.

There are fewer unwanted pregnancies and fewer occasions where a woman is confronted with that decision if she has access to family planning and birth control. That's why I support Planned Parenthood; that's why I support Title X.

I was surprised that everyone calls it 'morning sickness,' because it lasted all day. For me, it was even worse at night. During my first two pregnancies, I felt so nauseous all day that I could only eat plain toast and bland foods - no proteins.

The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies, but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.

The images I like best are parts of series that I've started, in some cases, with the pregnancies of the mothers of the children in question, and I continue that series right on through the birth of children to the child that resulted from that first pregnancy.

We know that the way to decrease unplanned pregnancies and abortions is to make birth control and family planning services accessible and affordable, not micromanage the type of medical information and reproductive health counseling that women around the world receive.

My sister learned she was a carrier for a recessive disease, Bloom syndrome, late in one of her pregnancies. I remember the panicked call and the weeks of worry as she and her husband awaited his test results; if he was also a carrier, this meant their daughter had a one in four chance of being born with the disorder.

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