Idealism doesn't prevent problems.

My business is to prevent the future.

We will prevent war, whatever it takes.

Middle class jobs prevent crime and violence.

The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it.

My film about Bush didn't prevent his reelection.

I think it's a crime to prevent love from happening.

Myths are a waste of time. They prevent progression.

Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.

To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.

I think if we can prevent a fatal disease, we should.

Encryption would help prevent a lot of cyber attacks.

You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.

It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.

I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it.

The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it.

Don't let making a living prevent you from making a life.

We must precisely do what the terrorists prevent us to do.

He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it.

One should never forbid what one lacks the power to prevent.

The best care on earth cannot prevent us all dying in the end.

It's a fraction of the cost to prevent a war than prosecute a war.

The biggest reason we want autonomous cars is to prevent accidents.

The fact is we can't prevent people from getting the COVID-19 virus.

Most of one's life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself thinking.

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

We're not going to find a magic cure for cancer. We've got to prevent it.

The final causes, then, of compassion are to prevent and to relieve misery.

What I think a doctor should do is prevent disease, by any means necessary.

I really believe my greatest service is in the many unwise steps I prevent.

You cannot prevent me from talking. I am exercising my right to free speech.

Eating processed foods will prevent you from losing weight and shedding fat.

Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.

The primary goal of the War on Terror is to prevent an attack from happening.

It is what we prevent, rather than what we do that counts most in Government.

At the end of the day, we're just trying to prevent each other from going mad.

There are very many people who read simply to prevent themselves from thinking.

A destruction, an annihilation that only man can provoke, only man can prevent.

The only thing to prevent what's past is to put a stop to it before it happens.

Scores of studies support the power of certain natural foods to prevent cancer.

We want better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.

Companies shouldn't use the law to prevent consumers from doing something legal.

We now know that gun-free zones, though well intentioned, do not prevent attacks.

Quitting because you don't want to be uncomfortable will prevent you from growing.

Tort reform is important. We need to prevent trial lawyers from killing good jobs.

We must take steps to prevent further nuclear weapons development or modernization.

I think injuries happen. You can prevent a lot of them, but some of them you can't.

We might work on ways to prevent plastic getting into the ocean in the first place.

Make no mistake: the anti-war voices long for us to lose any war they cannot prevent.

You can't defend. You can't prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond.

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