Being the captain is a great privilege and a responsibility to lead a great group with different cultures.

I am honored to have John Lloyd called the Black Wagner. It is a privilege to have been compared with him.

I believe the old boys' network is a powerful one. No one gives up power and privilege willingly, do they?

The Corps is in good hands, and it's been a privilege to serve with the Leathernecks. Now it's time to go.

A woman has a responsibility and a privilege that a man doesnt have of given birth to another human being.

I have had the privilege to be a member of many high-performance teams at NASA, both on and off the planet.

People in positions of power and privilege have a duty to perform at a higher level. If not them, then who?

A woman has a responsibility and a privilege that a man doesn't have of given birth to another human being.

As long as each individual is facing the television tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege

Anonymity is an abused privilege, abused most by people who mistake vitriol for wisdom and cynicism for wit.

Power from unearned privilege can look like strength when it is in fact permission to escape or to dominate.

Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

Making mistakes is the privilege of the active - of those who can correct their mistakes and put them right.

Caring for someone who is terminally ill is traumatic, but it's a privilege too. It's part of being a woman.

To buy dinner transmits that you feel time spent in your date's company has been a pleasure and a privilege.

It is man's unique privilege, among all other organisms. By pursuing falsehood you will arrive at the truth!

I already have a job and being the CEO of Nvidia is a great privilege. It is once in a life time opportunity.

The language of faith is crucial because it affords human beings the privilege of intimacy with the ultimate.

I think what I do for a living is a privilege, so at the very least, I'd like to think it can be a good time.

The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person.

Beware of privilege. It stinks of rotten fish heads, many of which were lapping the shore beneath the jetties.

It's a privilege and honor to write and star in my own comic. I can officially cross that off the bucket list!

I have the great privilege of being both witness and storyteller. Intimacy, trust and intuition guide my work.

There were no political ideas. It was an apolitical time. It was the '50s and in the privilege of the suburbs.

One who lays claim to special privilege through the priesthood doesn't understand the nature of his authority.

All privileges based on wealth, and all emnity to honest men merely because they are wealthy, are un-American.

And part of that is, what is the point of having children if you don't have the privilege of bringing them up?

I'm in the lucky position that I can help a huge amount of people. It's a great privilege and freedom to have.

To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have had the chance to come back to Liverpool Football Club as manager.

Health care should be a right; it should never be a privilege. We should have Medicare for all in this country.

The responsibilities which are imposed by rank and privilege and good fortune can... become very onerous indeed.

The full expression of personality depends upon its being inflated by social prestige; it is a social privilege.

Every president since George Washington has taken executive privilege seriously. Every Republican president has.

I never realized what a great privilege it is to be able to use the voice for Christ until I was deprived of it.

For the private sector to flourish, special privilege must give way to equal opportunity and equal risk for all.

In America, Blackberry Farm in Tennessee is one of the most amazing hotels I've had the privilege of staying at.

Freedom and the power to choose should not be the privilege of wealth. They are the birthright of every American.

Income inequality has made having kids, much like getting a quality college education, a rich person's privilege.

Imagination only comes when you privilege the subconscious, when you make delay and procrastination work for you.

Victimhood, in the intersectional way of seeing the world, is akin to sainthood; power and privilege are profane.

the vicious result of privilege is that the creature who receives it becomes incapacitated by it as by a disease.

In the balance of my professional life, I've had the privilege of the working as a practicing lawyer and teacher.

It's a great privilege and a highlight for choir and orchestra members to perform for audiences in live concerts.

Sometimes I get a little tired of it. But you know, what a privilege, to get tired of working with Ingmar Bergman.

If you say you’re going to trust your man, then trust your man. Don’t revoke that privilege when he needs it most.

We will stand up for what is right, for what is fair and what is just. Health care is a right and not a privilege.

I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.

Only very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is universal it is only extended privilege.

Joseph Campbell said the privilege of a lifetime is being yourself. That's his feeling. And I guess it's mine too.

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