The privilege of a university education is a great one; the more widely it is extended the better for any country.

No greater privilege than I had as a soldier and then as a spymaster and to some degree now in the business world.

Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the love of work is success!

Inherently, having privilege isn't bad, but it's how you use it, and you have to use it in service of other people.

My background's working class. My parents had to work to make ends meet. We don't come from any sense of privilege.

I have the privilege of having two parents who were capable and willing to support me - emotionally and monetarily.

One of the privileges of doing television is the ability to evaluate my own performance and try to improve upon it.

What a privilege and honour it has been to be part of seven years of magic in a tent - 'The Great British Bake Off.'

True socialism is the equalization of all privileges. The power to take advantage of them, - that is another matter.

The worst danger of the mystic is as always a quest of spiritual privilege leading to aloofness from the common lot.

Clean air shouldn't be a privilege dictated by where you can afford to live but a right to which we are all entitled.

I always feel like it is a privilege to be able to be an artist and to be able to exhibit my work all over the world.

He felt as if he were paying for the privilege of music with portions of his life and body. But it was well worth it.

To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.

What could be a greater privilege than to listen to the voice of God, and be granted by God himself the ears to hear?

You represent your country - that's the biggest honour ever. I had the privilege of doing that for more than 14 years.

I had the privilege of being able to choose, or at least have the opportunity to work at, being anything but an actor.

It is only in times of great and grievous dullness that the believer regards prayer as a duty, and not as a privilege.

It is a fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions.

It is a rare privilege to watch the birth, growth, and first feeble struggles of a living mind; this privilege is mine.

First, I have the privilege of being Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is not an oxymoron I assure you.

It is privilege of living to be acutely, agonizingly conscious of the moment that is always present and always passing.

If women envy men, we can now see that it's because of the privileges their anatomy confers and not the anatomy itself.

Light-skinned privilege is largely through a white lens. It is exploited by oppressive forces... It was always a facade.

Religion is dogmatic. Politic is ideological. Reason must be logical, but literature has a privilege of being equivocal.

I just thank god that I didn't grow up with so much money or privilege because you had to create ways to make it happen.

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

My days tend to be packed, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy my work, and it is a privilege to do what I do.

It's best to leap into something you know you love. You might change your mind later, but that is the privilege of youth.

Any titles, money, or privilege you inherit are actually hindrances. They delude you into believing you are owed respect.

My Dear Reader Chum, a very hearty hello to you. What an honour and privilege it is to have you perusing my written word.

We have been given the privilege to host this presence. The Holy Spirit is in me for my sake but he is upon me for yours.

There is no higher calling or greater privilege known to man than being involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission.

It has been a privilege to pursue knowledge for its own sake and to see how it might help mankind in more practical ways.

I believe health care is a right, not a privilege, not something only the wealthiest 1 percent can afford it should have.

The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too. Help, you women of privilege, give her the ballot to fight with.

God commands us to be filled with the Spirit, and if we are not filled, it is because we are living beneath our privileges

The privilege of struggling artists is ... the life being buried in what we can't really afford of* what a gorgeous life!!

Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he has helped others because he sees it as a privilege, not a political talking point.

The tax-exempt privilege is a feature always reflected in the market price of [municipal] bonds. The investor pays for it.

You might be smarter, your family might come from privilege, your daddy might own a company, but YOU WILL NOT OUT WORK ME!

Men live best upon a little; Nature has given to all the privilege of being happy, if they but knew how to use their gifts.

Writing is an extreme privilege but it's also a gift. It's a gift to yourself and it's a gift of giving a story to someone.

When you dominate other people's emotions, the time has to come when you will have to pay, and heavily, for that privilege.

To excite opposition and inflame malevolence is the unhappy privilege of courage made arrogant by consciousness of strength.

Survival is a privilege which entails obligations. I am forever asking myself what I can do for those who have not survived.

The more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have.

I think often the West does not understand the history and the privilege of wearing a hijab. They always think of oppression.

Is not the very beginning of privilege, monopoly and industrial slavery this erecting of the ballot-box above the individual?

I'm aware of the decisions I make and the responsibility I have as a role model. I wouldn't disregard that. It's a privilege.

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