I have a lot of natural gas on my properties.

People form strong attachments to their properties.

I tend to renovate properties when I'm not working.

There's never been a better time to sell properties.

I am actually not a big believer in buying properties.

It's not like I actually understand the properties of sound.

Today we try to identify a gene and then study its properties.

My momma owns rental properties, and my pops worked at Hershey's.

Criticism is different from violence and damaging public properties.

I have a couple of properties. Bought some houses and just rent them out.

It's hard for us to pay $200 million for properties that don't make money.

Apart from its famous healing properties, manuka has a strong, woody flavour.

I believe in God, Nature, Magic, and the spiritual healing of all holistic properties.

My favorite hotels are anything Aman, because their properties are always so beautiful.

Certain characteristic properties of elements can be foretold from their atomic weights.

I want to open my own yoga studio. Planning construction and looking at properties is fun.

The realistic value of a work is completely independent of its properties in terms of content.

I want to open a restaurant, and I want to start selling properties. I want to own some stock.

Life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties.

I think telepathy exists, and I think quantum physics will help us understand its basic properties.

This subsistence, or manner of being of God is his one essence so far as it has personal properties.

I've become very successful over the years. I think I own among the greatest properties in the world.

Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character.

Genes that underlie the capacity to receive, use and transmit information are the evolving properties.

Trump's one consistent position is that he will stop at nothing to protect his properties and his profits.

The elements, if arranged according to their atomic weights, exhibit an apparent periodicity of properties.

Cellulose has physical and chemical properties that make it difficult to access and difficult to break down.

Unfortunately, because of the breadth of what Yahoo does, they sort of became mediocre in so many properties.

There is a close meshing with the ritual properties of persons and with the egocentric forms of territoriality.

Graphene is a single plane of graphite that has to be pulled out of bulk graphite to show its amazing properties.

There are more and more properties joining us to benefit from and leverage our global online marketing expertise.

If laws are just properties of objects, how can those laws continue to operate when the object is not really there?

I'm hoping to earn enough to buy a few properties, that way I can make money that way and I want to do social work.

Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time, and linear causality.

As you deal with more and more complex systems, it becomes harder and harder to find deep and interesting properties.

The rules of drama are very much separate from the properties of life. I think that's especially true of Shakespeare.

People are out there saying we have to devalue our properties because of the Internet, but it hasn't even come into play!

My properties are very good income-producing buildings, so I will have a very good stream of profit even if I can't sell.

I am interested in classic building development, such as hotels and residential homes, rather than commercial properties.

I'm always running up and down buildings or around 800-acre properties for work - you can't do that in heels or flip-flops!

If at some point Fox decides that the X-Men properties are no longer lucrative I'm sure that they will cut a deal with Disney.

As a producer and director, I've tried for years to get properties off the ground for girls, and I've been hitting a brick wall.

Properties have different characteristics, like companies, and the market throws up more opportunities because it is inefficient.

I have no child to inherit my properties. You, the people, are my only family, and to make you happy is the reason I do politics.

Keep in mind that there are many neurotoxins in the world. Dozens of natural and industrial substances have neurotoxic properties.

I believe that the power which the spleen possesses of regulating its amount of blood depends entirely upon mechanical properties.

I grew up on the south coast in Shoreham-by-Sea in a three-bedroom semi-detached home with a large garden shared by two properties.

The best real-estate investments with the highest yields are in working-class neighborhoods, because fancy properties are overpriced.

You want comedic themes to be recogniseable life truths that we all battle with, and with that comes the healing properties of comedy.

Humans have certain properties and characteristics which are intrinsic to them, just as every other organism does. That's human nature.

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