We have rules about the environment and rules about worker safety and rules about consumer protection.

It was impossible to operate in the aluminium business without krysha - very real physical protection.

I think every school needs a protection plan with a either police officer or certified armed security.

Well, paycheck protection is an important ingredient for a successful campaign finance reform measure.

At their core, when things really matter, people see a need to turn to God for strength and protection.

Dedicating time when I really can't afford to be I'll provide protection if you open up the door for me

The Kurdish people welcome the no-fly zone protection, contrary to the Iraqi regime that is against it.

We must have our freedom now. We must have the right to vote. We must have equal protection of the law.

I figured, 'Why not put goggle characteristics like peripheral protection and face fit into sunglasses?'

My main issue is sustainability of the Earth, and protection of those animals and people who dwell here.

We need to close the loopholes that allowed large corporations to abuse the Paycheck Protection Program.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the major achievement of President Obama's first term.

When I paint a woman in an armchair, the armchair is there to show illness and death-or as a protection.

Everyone, especially athletes and fans everywhere, need to make sunscreen and sun protection a priority.

The price of freedom is the probability of crime. The price of protection is the probability of slavery.

When it comes to Sun Protection Factor, SPF, the higher, the better. Usually, between 30 and 50 is best.

Iron Dome is a proven defense system that will provide increased protection for our troops in the field.

The Constitution provided no protection against corporations; the Constitution has a blind spot for them.

I only live in the world of animal protection. I speak only of that. I think only of that. I am obsessed.

I don't want anyone to look to me, not for protection, not for happiness, not for love, not for anything.

Granting such immunity undermines the constitutional protections Americans trust the Congress to protect.

What we aim to do, through public pressure, is help the environment protection bureau to enforce the law.

Graduating from high school is certainly a good idea, but it's no longer much protection against poverty.

My agents have me in the Actors' Protection Program. It seems to be working very well. Nobody can find me.

The game has changed, the game is getting bigger, faster, stronger, and there needs to be more protection.

Even in Britain, the trade unions tell me that employment contracts have less protection than in the past.

It is impossible to find a single example of a monopoly that has ever existed without official protection.

There is a time when the hoary head of inveterate abuse will neither draw reverence nor obtain protection.

Frankly, I do like the idea that we centralize consumer protection for financial products into one agency.

Music has always been my protection against the world, from a very young age. I feel safe inside of a jam.

It would be a mistake to believe that environmental protection and economic growth are mutually exclusive.

All political spendings for purposes beyond the protection of life and property are a snare and a delusion.

I just wore a cage my whole career coming up, and didn't feel a reason not to have some type of protection.

Worship strengthens you. It gives you a sense of God's presence and ultimately His protection and provision.

There is no better protection against the euro crisis than successful structural reforms in southern Europe.

Weather can kill you so fast. The first priority of survival is getting protection from the extreme weather.

We are going into space, and we need protection. And in case we need to space walk, we'll have to go outside.

Through interpretation, understanding; through understanding, appreciation; through appreciation, protection.

The protection the government owes you and fails to provide, you are morally bound to provide for yourselves.

Often, a school is your best bet-perhaps not for education but certainly for protection from an undead attack.

My desk, most loyal friend thank you. You've been with me on every road I've taken. My scar and my protection.

Marriage encourages the men and women who together create life to unite in a bond for the protection of children.

Cocooning is about insulation and avoidance, peace and protection, coziness and control - a sort of hyper-nesting.

In an environment without public platform nor protection, the individual is the most powerful and most responsible.

Why did the Apostrophe Protection Society not have a militant wing? Could I start one? Where do you get balaclavas?

What's historically been referred to as 'gerrymandering' can more aptly be labeled an incumbent protection program.

Building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence.

We must always keep in mind all legitimate authority is from God, and is given for protection, provision, and peace.

As home secretary, I gained a reputation for being 'tough'; less concerned with liberty than with public protection.

willingness to explore everything is a sign of strength. The weak ones have prejudices. Prejudices are a protection.

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