Holmes, I'm a 24 year old prude.

I'm actually totally the prude of my family.

Aren't women prudes if they don't and prostitutes if they do?

I'll be honest: I was a super-late bloomer, and I was kind of a prude.

A prude is a person who thinks that his own rules of propriety are natural laws.

There are no more thorough prudes than those who have some little secret to hide.

When people say 'I'm not a prude, but ...' what they mean is 'I am a prude, and ...'.

Age brings about everything; but it is not the time, Madam, as we know, to be a prude at twenty.

My mum certainly isn't a prude, nor is my brother, so I think I'm lucky to have a family like that.

I mean, I'll say the filthiest things in the world, but when it comes down to it, I'm kind of a prude.

As a girl, I was always told I was nasty or dirty if I was sexual in any way. Americans are such prudes.

I have always been kind of a prude. But kissing is harmless to me, and sometimes a kiss can tell if it's even worth seeing that person again!

I would never describe Charlotte as a prude. Maybe at the start, but that was in comparison to the other girls. She wasn't willing to do the stuff they were doing and I mean, thank goodness!

Desponding Phyllis was endu'd With ev'ry Talent of a Prude, She trembled when a Man drew near; Salute her, and she turn'd her Ear: If o'er against her you were plac'd She durst not look above your Waist

What was exciting in the Victorian Age, would leave a man of franker epoch quite unmoved. The more prudes restrict the permissible degree of sexual appeal, the less is required to make such an appeal effective.

In the United States of America, we are so liberal-minded on so many different aspects, but for some reason there's always going to be this weird connection with nudity being a bad thing. American's can be so prude sometimes.

I never quite got the hang of the getting drunk & fondling the thighs [of all the cumbersome young males] business... whether that makes me a gallant & proper gentleman, a cowardly wuss or an unadventurous prude, I cannot make out

A tale of scandal is as fatal to the credit of a prudent lady as a fever is generally to those of the strongest constitutions. But there is a sort of puny, sickly reputation, that is always ailing, yet will wither the robuster characters of a hundred prudes.

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