Every species has its pub.

A pub can be a magical place.

I prefer pub food to posh food.

I love pubs and I love pub culture.

Let me just say, I've seen a pub or two.

Growing up in a pub taught me a lot about life.

Gasman' was something I wrote on a beer mat in a pub.

I learned English in a pub. I didn't learn it in school.

Going to a pub when you're not drinking is pretty boring.

Some people like going to the pub; I enjoy going to the gym.

I was in a vintage pub rock band called Clover in the 1970s.

We're more pub and football guys rather than walking the red carpets.

I don't want to be an old man in a pub singing about Margaret Thatcher.

I'd go into the pub and start crying even before I'd had my first drink.

Taking notes at a pub in Salisbury, I was mistaken for a health inspector!

England is very regimented. Go to work, come home from work, go to the pub.

We don't spend our lives at dartboards in the pub - we are at home practising.

When I was a student, I had a part time job as a barmaid at a dodgy pub in Kent.

I don't like awards ceremonies. I'd sooner go to the pub with mates I've known for years.

Between sixteen and eighteen, I was singing anywhere I could, in bars or down at the pub.

Our partying was governed by licensing hours. When the pub or club shut, that would be it.

I like going down the pub with my mates and horse racing. I don't do anything that exciting.

I'm not pugnacious or argumentative. I'd probably feel fear going into a pub in the Outback.

Being in Oxford can be a bit like being on holiday - there's plenty of time spent in the pub.

When I first started doing exhibitions, you'd have 20 people down the pub, if you were lucky.

You can get the dart player out of the pub, but you can't get the pub out of the dart player.

I am much more happy in a country pub with 10 blokes having a pint than going to a night club.

A lot of my creative ideas begin in the pub, talking through possibilities with collaborators.

I was extremely close to my father, inseparable. Where we hung out most of the time was the pub.

I like to think that at the end of a show, you can just take your costume off and go to the pub.

I've played with jazz and toyed with it when I used to live near the St. Nicholas Pub in Harlem.

In my hometown there is a pub named after me - The Frome Flyer on Jenson Avenue. How cool is that?!

All I want to do when I have time off is to have a laugh with my school friends and go down the pub.

I love eating at my dad's pub, the Queens Arms in Kilburn. It does a traditional Albanian spinach pie.

When I was 16, I used to hang out at the Nambucca pub in North London and see The Libertines play live.

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be with me in the pub or a club, just watch 'Celebrity Juice.'

It is very boring and lonely in Shirebrook. You know what we do after work? We go to the pub after work.

You can't be glued in the '60s. Walking around, going up the pub or popping to Tesco in a hunting jacket.

All men in their 40s want to be in rock bands, and I reserve the right to be in a pub band at some point.

I like being able to go to a local pub and have great food and particularly love pubs that welcome my dogs.

Before, if I'd had a stressful day, I'd go to meet my friends in the pub and have a moan. Now I go to yoga.

I started out writings songs for what I thought was going to be a maximum of five people down our local pub.

I have two ambitions in life: one is to drink every pub dry, the other is to sleep with every woman on earth.

Pub life was such a huge part of growing up for me, going to pubs and being around them. It made me who I am today.

Some friends think I'm dull now. But I think it's great that I'm no longer trying to make everyone laugh in the pub.

In the days of 'EastEnders,' I couldn't go into a pub or supermarket, as people would recognise me and follow me home.

After Margaret Thatcher's funeral, I spoke at a tribute meeting organised by her supporters in a pub next to St Paul's.

I was a waitress at a local pub. I was really bad with money and it taught me the value of it as I was on minimum wage.

A lot of bands have the enthusiasm kicked out of them by playing really dreary pub venues that just churn bands through.

Cannock is a friendly place. You can stroll down the road to a decent pub and have a good curry, and it is not too faceless.

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