I've never had a very great public life.

I'm not in public life except by accident.

Public life is constantly aware of the volcano.

I am a big fan of seeing more women in public life.

Many people in public life are not good campaigners.

Public life has many more privileges than hardships.

In public life, criticism cannot be avoided completely.

I'm in the wrong racket if I didn't want a public life.

In my public life, I'm just a guy who enjoys having fun.

I certainly do not support excluding faith from public life.

I think public life for me has a slightly didactic role, OK.

Secrecy is one of the shadier sides of private and public life.

We cannot change public life until we have changed private life.

To have a public life, you still have the right to a private life.

I thought, I'm out in my life, that doesn't involve my public life.

There's no other job in public life that is like chairman of the Fed.

Afghanistan is doomed if women are barred once again from public life.

We have introduced a rule of law into many sections of our public life.

I don't think you can be in public life without being called bad names.

If you lead a public life, people are much more on to you than you think.

Happy are those who dwell apart from the harrowing tumults of public life!

It's a good thing to get poetry off the shelves and more into public life.

Thanks to every gay person in public and non-public life who has come out.

I am in fear, there is no humour left in public life because of this fear.

The more highly public life is organized the lower does its morality sink.

In my private life, it was a disaster. In my public life, it was fantastic.

Standards in public life have decayed over time... Incompetence is the norm.

In life, particularly in public life, psychology is more powerful than logic.

There is no private life which has not been determined by a wider public life.

The abortion issue has intersected with my public life from the very beginning.

So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them.

Do we seek delicate phraseology in politics or other forms of public life? We do not.

Public life has become so gladiatorial. Every day, another reputation bites the dust.

People in government and public life are being kicked around at a high rate of speed.

In L.A., you really are in your car all day alone, and there's very little public life.

I have a great deal of compassion for those in public life and what we have done to them.

Publicity, publicity, PUBLICITY is the greatest moral factor and force in our public life.

Name me a person in public life who doesn't have critics. Especially women in public life.

We need a lot more visibility of queer people in public life. People gotta get used to it.

You have your private life and you have your public life, and just don’t let them interfere.

I've been in public life for long enough that I know you just have to live your life normally.

Tulsa has world-class opera and Starbucks, and a religious conservatism that rules public life.

I step into a character in my public life. People who don't make that distinction are dooooomed.

For most of my life, I did deliberately lead a private life and inadvertently led a public life.

My public life was so demanding that I wasn't doing the things that I deemed the most important.

Sometimes, in public life, people ask inappropriate, off-the-wall kinds of questions, don't they?

Each experience I go through - marriage, my public life, my personal life - I'm learning as I go.

I think credibility, irrespective of what you do, if you are in public life, then it is important.

One hopes that good, sensible and brave people will continue to go into public life at all levels.

I've long been really intrigued with what is the... proper role of faith and religion in public life.

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