No, my publisher has always done the marketing.

A publisher who writes is like a cow in a milk bar.

I'd rather be a cartoonist. I don't want to be a publisher.

As a publisher, you have no direct relationship with advertisers.

My father had a flourishing business as a publisher in North India.

I'm singing the music publisher's theme song - it ain't a commercial.

Being with a small publisher has been huge. They bat for me for everything.

Most people do not pay attention to the publisher's imprint on a given book.

I had a very high-grade publisher tell me I was incapable of writing a memoir.

When I was a publisher of CNN, I took responsibility for the actions of the network.

The professionals are going to be joined by the average Joe. Everybody's a publisher.

I didn't want the headache of having a publisher reviewing everything I wrote in advance.

Selling an idea to a publisher is not as valuable as selling your audience to a publisher.

The trick was really finding the appropriate publisher for each of the projects I'd devised.

As the publisher of FSG and the custodian of its legacy, I have an interested insider's view.

At first my publisher had reservations about publishing it in the form you are familiar with.

Amazon makes money differently from a conventional publisher. It is an infrastructure player.

I didn't have to struggle at all to get an agent and a publisher. Everything fell into my lap.

I'd sold the book first. Actually to a paperback publisher. I had nothing. I just had the idea.

A publisher many years ago asked if I'd like to write a novel for £50. And I said, 'Absolutely.'

We actually determine whether the book is read and make payments to the publisher based on that.

You have to remember that in addition to running a literary agency, I am also an ebook publisher.

I certainly hope to be a great publisher, and if people want to love me, too, that's even better.

My father realised that for me to become a publisher in his firm would have been the end of the firm!

An e-book distributor is not a publisher, but rather a purveyor of work that has already been created.

If I was a father, and my son told me he wanted to go out and be a publisher, I'd say, 'Go get a job.'

I don't think anyone will believe me, but I've never been pressured by a publisher to churn out a book.

I've evolved in my writing to tell a more emotional story - my publisher, Random House, has urged that.

Just because we're Knopf doesn't mean we shouldn't sell books as well as any other publisher in the land.

In a world where everyone is a publisher, no one is an editor. And that is the danger that we face today.

I didn't expect any success at all. I was rejected by every publisher in the world and every agent in town.

It is important to find a publisher and equally important not to be noticed until your third or fourth book.

I didn't view myself as attacking the boss. I viewed my boss at ESPN as the publisher and president of ESPN.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning could write a poem two pages long. Could she have brought it to a music publisher?

We need an unambiguous rule - a law - that nobody will step between the publisher and the consumer, full stop.

It's a fascinating world to drop a finished product on the marketplace without the intercession of a publisher.

What makes a publisher decide to market a book to a particular audience is not the subject matter but the style.

It's very hard to get one publisher to accept an author going over to the other author's company to collaborate.

My first book didn't even have a Canadian publisher. And that upset me, because I so wanted a readership up there.

Big publishers want you to change this and change that. I'd rather go to a little publisher - who needs the tsuris.

The normal reaction of a publisher when faced with an author with a bee in his bonnet is to grab the check and run.

I didn't think I would be an exceptional writer, and I thought I might be a useful publisher. I've never regretted it.

I'm someone who speaks my mind, so it was important to me that my publisher value originality and creative expression.

I would hate to be that person who is, you know, the mystery writer who has to deliver a book every year to publisher X.

My publisher's been shipping me to comic-cons, and it seems that my readership overlaps perfectly with the comic-con crowd.

As the publisher of the 'Tory,' I strive to defend the pillars of Western civilization against the distractions of diversity.

If you want to publish two books a year under your own name and your publisher doesn't, maybe you need a different publisher.

My publisher, who was so good as a taster and editor, when she became a writer, lo and behold, it was all this feminine tosh.

I had no idea I'd end up writing four books when I completed 'Mortal Engines.' I didn't even think it would find a publisher.

I'm happy as a book publisher. I loved my 19 years being a C.E.O. I loved it to distraction, but I couldn't do it till I'm 80.

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