The worst enemy women have is in the pulpit.

When it's foggy in the pulpit it's cloudy in the pew.

I think that Hiphop should be a pulpit for the people.

If you want to warm a church, put a stove in the pulpit.

Politics and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement.

Preaching is fire in the pulpit that melts the ice in the pew.

I would rather be a preacher in a pulpit than a prince on a throne

The Bible sits on the pulpit of hundreds of different religious sects.

If we had more hell in the pulpit, we would have less hell in the pew.

Yes, Haven, most of us enjoy preaching, and Ive got such a bully pulpit!

Prayer less pulpits will produce prayer less and powerless congregations.

In the pulpit, I really feel like I'm in my sweet spot, I'm in my stride.

Ah! if the pulpit would practice what it preaches, then all would be well.

I take it very seriously when I take the pulpit. That I'm representing God.

The press, the pulpit, and the stage, Conspire to censure and expose our age.

The words of the Bible, and the Bible alone, should be heard from the pulpit.

I used to carry my father's Bible and put it on the pulpit so he could preach.

No church can be prospered in which all the ministration comes from the pulpit.

I have never once feared the devil, but I tremble every time I enter the pulpit.

I think President Obama has used the bully pulpit as a way to attack capitalism.

If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell.

The pulpit is not a place to settle scores, it’s a place to preach the word of God.

The pulpit is no place for self-promotion. It is a great place for self-deprecation.

I do not intend to use the Surgeon General's Office as a bully pulpit for gun control.

God will honor the preaching that honors Christ, but abandon the pulpit that abandons Him.

The true preacher does not seek for truth in the pulpit; he is there because he has found it.

The pulpit style of Germany has been always rustically negligent, or bristling with pedantry.

We crime novelists have a great pulpit. We write about justice and about correcting injustice.

Whenever the pulpit is usurped by a formalist, then is the worshipper defrauded and disconsolate.

'The bully pulpit' is somewhat diminished in our age of fragmented attention and fragmented media.

It's healthy for government to be a kind of moral catalyst, using the bully pulpit of high office.

Let me make the newspapers, and I care not what is preached in the pulpit or what is enacted in Congress.

I am an activist. I have a really big pulpit with my fiction and I love knowing that I can make people think.

Poetry and preaching do not go well together; when the preacher mounts the pulpit the poet usually goes away.

If in a Christian pulpit you have no business saying, "I suggest to you" No! "These things I declare to you."

I take it for granted that you do not wish to hear an echo from the pulpit nor from the theological class-room.

He who has ceased to learn has ceased to teach. He who no longer sows in the study will no more reap in the pulpit.

Poetry had far better imply things than preach them directly... in the open pulpit her voice grows hoarse and fails.

The theatre is your pulpit - it is your church - and you want to be a priest in your church, and that's what I believe in.

The humble were the elect of God. Did not the priests teach so, in their gemmed, kingly robes, from their towering pulpits?

Every voice with a national bully pulpit that is willing to take on the lies of the anti-cop Left is still vitally important.

One thing you really have to watch as a writer is getting on a soapbox or pulpit about anything. You don't want to alienate readers.

Always carry with you into the pulpit a sense of the immense consequences which may depend on your full and faithful presentation of the truth.

Instead of applauding sex addict pastors, we need to tell them to either preach the Gospel with their lives or get out from behind that pulpit!

But here's the bottom line, the president of the United States, he controls the bully pulpit, he can talk about anything he wants to talk about.

I kept on hearing the voice of God saying if you are going to be the minister that your mom mentioned... then you have to act. My pulpit is acting.

The stage is our pulpit, and you can use all of that energy and that music and the lights and the colors and the sound. But you know, you've got to be careful.

He spends his life explaining from his pulpit that the glory of Christianity consists in the fact that though it is not true it has been found necessary to invent it.

You can't stand for too many things. You can't use the bully pulpit for too many things. So, I promise you, every day, I am going to talk about jobs, spending, and education.

Profane eloquence is transfered from the bar, where Le Maitre, Pucelle, and Fourcroy formerly practised it, and where it has become obsolete, to the Pulpit, where it is out of place.

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