The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.

The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.

We deserve quality lives with equality.

Quality questions create a quality life.

I care about my quality of life and money.

Your habits will determine your quality of life.

A high quality life starts with a high quality you!

The quality of life is more important than life itself.

The quality of life decreases with heightened security.

My quality of life here in Quebec City is extraordinary.

As you get older, the quality of life is more important.

Control of consciousness determines the quality of life.

The correlation of quality of life and cost of energy is huge.

Godrej is committed towards improving quality of life in society.

Liberalism is assisting quality of life, whatever you may choose.

A genuine quality of life comes from consistent, quality questions.

Health and fitness are totally a choice for a better quality of life.

Exercising with a trainer makes my quality of life go through the roof.

The quality of life, values that go down to doin' that, that's the issue.

The 'life' in 'pro-life' denotes not the quality of life, but life itself.

Being too consumed in fear all the time will result in poor quality of life

It is all about quality of life and being proud of what I do. I need me to be me.

People can't work and have the quality of life they deserve if they aren't healthy.

Gratification and happiness are becoming important measures of our quality of life.

Infrastructure investments lead to jobs. And quality of life starts with a good job.

Quality of life actually begins at home - it's in your street, around your community.

What we do with the things we have makes the biggest difference in the quality of life

Now people live into their 90s and beyond. As long as I have quality of life, I'm good.

Quality of life is not only about what you find in the shops; it's about the landscape.

Water is the foundation for our economies, communities, ecosystems, and quality of life.

I don't have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life.

No one is going to thank us afterwards for a Brexit that reduces people's quality of life.

Energy is necessary for economic growth, for a better quality of life, and for human progress.

It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.

In France, I found there is a lot of attention to the little details and to the quality of life.

There is no cure for emphysema, but you can start treating it and have a better quality of life.

The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans.

Where the quality of life goes down for the environment, the quality of life goes down for humans.

Time is valuable, and telework is a viable component to help improve quality of life in many ways.

My parents didn't have the opportunities that my wife and I have now, from a quality of life standpoint.

A person's safety and quality of life should not be conditioned upon who they love or how they identify.

Entertainment is there to improve people's quality of life. After your basic needs, there's entertainment.

Even more importantly, it's wine, food and the arts. Incorporating those three enhances the quality of life.

Writing fiction is... an endless and always defeated effort to capture some quality of life without killing it.

Danes pay very high taxes, but in return enjoy a quality of life that many Americans would find hard to believe.

We shouldn't measure everything in terms of GDP figures or economics. There is something called quality of life.

There's a quality of life in Maine which is this singular and unique. I think. It's absolutely a world onto itself.

We can say, 'OK, I'm going to be in the car for an hour; what can I do to improve my quality of life during that hour?'

We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged.

I am more interested in health, quality of life, longevity and how training and nutrition affects that as you get older.

To create an extraordinary quality of life, you must create a vision that's not only obtainable, but that is sustainable.

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