What the hell am I doing here?

I myself am a huge Radiohead fan.

I was really into Radiohead and Live.

I was a huge Radiohead fan growing up.

I am all the days that you choose to ignore.

I just think Radiohead are f-in' miserable bastards.

Everything I do feels like It's going to end up being in Radiohead.

The only thing worse than Radiohead fans is everything else except me

The hardest part about being in Radiohead is listening to my own music.

Radiohead is overrated. Thom Yorke's solo output, however, is brilliant.

I'm obsessed with Radiohead. They're just the greatest band on the planet.

The Radiohead record, The Bends is my all-time favorite record on the planet.

I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.

The Radiohead record, 'The Bends' is my all-time favorite record on the planet.

If you make rock music with guitars in it, the Radiohead comparison is inevitable.

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix.

Live are a really good band. I like Stone Temple Pilots, Radiohead I love. Even Oasis.

I listened to Kanye West and also dove deep into bands like Radiohead, Portishead, and Bon Iver.

It feels like Radiohead are famous, but that no one knows who we are. Which is brilliant, really.

I was always into things like Boyz II Men and boy bands, and then I got into Radiohead and alt-rock.

My favorite bands are Radiohead and Led Zeppelin, and all-time favorite album is 'Amnesiac' by Radiohead.

I like many different kinds of music. My favourite band is Radiohead, and I'm also a giant Jeff Buckley fan.

If Radiohead made a video where Thom Yorke was featured more than the other members, nobody would say anything.

Radiohead and Our Lady Peace are doing the seven layers of guitar, and I kind of jumped on that before anyone else did.

I have a very varied taste in music from Boards of Canada to Radiohead. So I just love making music and being in the studio.

I hold music so close to my heart - to the point where I was always like, 'Well, if it's not Radiohead, I don't want to do it!'

Radiohead is one of the bands I appreciate. That's a great career band. It's not like critics are comparing us to a flash in the pan.

I'm just done downplaying how much I love Radiohead and how massive of an influence they are on what I do, because it's pretty obvious.

I've always been very happy with my role in Radiohead. You're very much a part of everything, but you're much more of a shadowy figure.

I love music, particularly Radiohead, TV on the Radio, The XX and Tribes - they're a great new band from Camden and well worth a look at.

Most Radiohead songs are actually REM songs, I just have a mentally ill child read the lyrics aloud and then I change the melodies a bit.

Growing up, I listened to a lot of jazz and blues records - John Coltrane and Etta James. I was also really into Radiohead and the BeeGees.

I'm a huge stadium rock fan, but I'm also a fan of everything from Massive Attack to Peter Gabriel, U2, the Police, Radiohead, and Coldplay.

Radiohead showed a real affinity to being bold with visual imagery, so it came as no surprise when Jonny Greenwood did 'There Will Be Blood.'

We wanted to be like Radiohead. When they started experimenting with electronic music, it gave us the idea that it might be a cool idea to do.

Forget about musical credibility. I think, unless you're Radiohead or whatever, it's pointless striving for that. What I would like is some respect.

Making music for Radiohead is like going to the bathroom, I'm just going to the bathroom constantly, and millions are watching me go to the bathroom.

I would love for Radiohead to give me a call and say, 'Hey, kid, we wanna see what it's like working with you. We want you to produce our next record.'

As a writer, I try to do different things, but I'm not going to become a darker artist or turn into Radiohead overnight. I don't think that's my style.

Everyone talks about how depressing Radiohead are. I don't hear it. They've created their own universe and it is dimly lit, but it's not inherently dark.

Don't get me wrong - I'm still way into the metal, but I've been listening to different things like Radiohead, Portishead, Bjork, and Queens of the Stone Age.

The Flaming Lips have been on Warner Bros. forever, and certainly everything I heard growing up was on a major label in some way, from the Cure to Radiohead to Bjork.

I like to listen to African music; I like to listen to Brazilian music that's not just Choro. I love to listen to Radiohead, I like to listen to James Brown - any music.

After my grunge phase, I started opening my horizons and listening to more electronic stuff. I got into Radiohead, specifically 'Amnesiac' - my brother gave me that album.

My mom and dad got divorced when I was, like, 8, and when I went to my dad's house on the weekend, he'd play a lot of music: Miles Davis, Radiohead, Thom Yorke, Elton John.

But I was in the Radiohead studio today and Phil was there drumming and Thom was there playing. We feel like we've only just stopped and already people are wanting us to carry on.

With our website we didn't want people to come to our site and find out about Radiohead. We wanted them to come to our site and find out about what Radiohead are finding out about.

I'm a fan of music, some rock music. But I like many types of music. But I suppose a kind of longstanding love of specific bands would be Radiohead, Wilco, Neil Young, Tom Waits, REM.

We are different people - you get a different take on the band whoever you speak to. Somehow, at the end of it, it goes through the filtering process and out comes the Radiohead thing.

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