I want these ranked opponents.

I really don't care that I'm ranked.

I don't want to fight guys ranked behind me.

If you ranked Odd Future, I was at the very bottom.

I'm not satisfied with being ranked second and third.

People ranked No. 80 or No. 90 in the world are tough to play.

I was ranked the second most conservative member in the House.

The one thing you can't do when you're highly ranked is relax.

Great writers probably shouldn't be ranked, at least not by me.

If you want to do something, what does it matter where you are ranked?

I imagine that I'm less famous than the 15th ranked bowler in the world.

I finished three years ranked No. 1, so the ranking doesn't matter anymore.

I came to 170 and I got motivated and finally they started giving me ranked opponents.

You can be world champion, but ranked No 6 in the world, with there being four champions.

In 2010, The Princeton Review ranked Colgate the most beautiful campus in America - I agree.

Man, I never got to fight a ranked opponent at 155, and that wasn't because I wasn't winning.

Having guys ranked in front of me that I know that I'm better than, that's always going to drive me.

I need to take fights, and I expect to win all my fights, whether it's higher ranked or lower ranked.

SoftBank has had a lot of businesses, but they've always ranked, say, third in Japan or fourth in the U.S.

I want to be ranked in the top 100 players. If I can achieve that, I'll think about the world championship.

One guy might be ranked higher, but it doesn't mean anything. Where these fights go, lots of things can happen.

If I had the opportunity to fight Khabib, or anyone ranked No. 1 - I've played that in my head a million times.

I was always ranked last in my class. My problem was that I would obtain a just pass and move on to the next class!

I grew up reading the newspapers, mostly the sports section. I was a wrestler and would check to see if I was ranked.

They said if I'd fight a ranked contender, I'd get a title shot. I did that, and the next day they changed the rules.

It is a long revisionist road up from the bottom for George W. Bush. He is ranked toward the bottom rung of presidents.

I'm the former lightweight champion. I want to fight one of the top guys. I don't want to fight a guy who isn't ranked.

I was a rather quiet student, studying hard. Once, I was ranked fifth in a school exam out of everyone in the same grade.

I'm chasing belts. I'm highly ranked, and after I beat Chisora, I should be No. 1 with at least four of the governing bodies.

In 1990 I qualified to play in the World Championships for the first time. I was ranked 125-1 to win but I knew I could do it.

In 2010, I was ranked top 50 in the deadlift in three different weight classes, and I won my first natural bodybuilding competition.

I still really haven't sat down and said 'yeah, I'm ranked No. 1 in the world and I'm an Olympic Gold Medalist.' It just hasn't hit me.

I win by submissions, knockouts. There's guys ranked above me, but no one's interested in seeing them fight. They want to see me fight.

You can win a world title now ranked as seven, eight or nine in the world, and say you are a champion, because you have a version of it.

I believe that in order for me to consider myself one of the top ranked lightweights in the world, I have to go out and dominate the fight.

It's always an honor to be ranked high, but whatever is said about you, you take it and then take a realistic look at yourself and who you are.

Stop messing around sending me unranked fighters. I want someone ranked, someone that will take me closer to my goal, which is to become champion.

Fabio Maldonado jumped up to heavyweight for our fight, and while he wasn't ranked, he is a super-tough dude and had never been knocked out before.

When I left Harvard Pilgrim, it had been ranked first in the nation by U.S. News and World Report for customer satisfaction for six years in a row.

I got as high as being ranked 7th at lightweight and I really believe this deep down to my bones that I was really only fighting to half my potential.

If you really look at the sport, when the No. 1 ranked fighter beats the No. 2 ranked fighter, the only thing that's up next for him is a title fight.

I'm not bothered about where I'm ranked in the world. I'm just worried about fighting the best people in the world and being a natural, original champion.

Every time you step in there with a guy who is not ranked where you're at, it's always a big stepping stone for them - if they're able to get the job done.

I was ranked the fifth most bipartisan freshman when I went to Congress, and I think that my motto really is, 'Agree where you can and fight where you must.'

As far as Nurmagomedov, I just don't get how you become the No. 1 contender without actually fighting guys who are ranked in the top 10. It kind of baffles me.

A lot of coaches in MMA focus on MMA wrestling. My coach, his high school team is ranked 10th in the nation. Izzy Martinez is very connected to the wrestling community.

If someone said at the end of 2016 that I'd be ranked No.1 in England, have three titles and be ranked top ten in the world at the end of 2017, I would have said probably not.

I was obsessed with 'Top Spin' for some reason, and I wanted to be the best in the game. I think at one time on Xbox Live I was ranked about 60th. I just couldn't put that one down.

'Molly's Game' was a true story about a remarkable young woman named Molly Bloom. She was this close to going to the Olympics; she was ranked third in North America in women's moguls.

When I enter that higher-order space that's required to write, I'm a better human. For whatever my writing is, wherever it's ranked, it definitely is the one place that I get to be beautiful.

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