I do real estate.

I'm a real estate guy.

No means maybe in real estate.

The right watch is like real estate.

I work in the commercial real estate sector.

I got into real estate very much by accident.

To me, I love real estate because you can feel it.

Domain names and websites are Internet real estate.

To my real estate agent, Chernobyl is a fixer-upper.

I was into real estate. I was always an entrepreneur.

We're the real estate industry - not the manufacturers.

I want to be a successful landlord. I like real estate.

I never thought I'd be doing TV shows about real estate.

You don't have to be too bright to get into real estate.

I wanted to solve every real estate problem with software.

Well, real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned.

Real estate is one sector that India is not very proud of.

Golf courses sell real estate and that's why they're built.

I'm not a real estate developer. I'm a golfer. I'm a sportsman.

I think of real estate as a little bit like cooking or like art.

I think it's hard for anyone to get into real estate or Hollywood.

I've made money in real estate, hotel, and restaurant investments.

The real estate business was something Dad and I could do together.

I made some money, some real money on my first real estate transaction.

Dad is in commercial real estate. Mom is a writer and a retired teacher.

Trump is a real estate guy who sucks up to power to get buildings built.

I was studying acting, going to UCLA, selling real estate on the weekends.

I've always wanted to be the biggest real estate man to come down the pike.

I've made my career, made money in real estate and real estate development.

Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

The most valuable real estate in the world lies between the president's ears.

First and foremost, I'm a real estate person. And that's what I love the most.

We rarely sue anyone, but, like others in the real estate industry, we get sued.

When you're trying to expand your business, it's about real estate in the stores.

I had probably seven agents by the time I became a legitimate real estate broker.

Floyd has showed me that he's set up with real estate, businesses, and investments.

I believe that the Chinese people as a whole love to make investments in real estate.

Until you play it, St. Andrews looks like the sort of real estate you couldn't give away.

The problem with real estate is that it's local. You have to understand the local market.

Perhaps the secret to making a billion dollars in real estate is that there is no secret.

I always felt very secure and very safe with real estate. Real estate always appreciates.

Investing in Chicago property is just Wanda's first move into the U.S. real estate market.

A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back, it comes back up like gangbusters.

I view real estate as the most intriguing opportunity that I've seen in my business lifetime.

I fell in love with real estate, renovations, and became a licensed contractor when I was 26.

We invest in real estate, equity shares, etc. My father takes care of it and my wife helps too.

I knew I'd have to go to work in real estate or something else or I could never finish my novel.

Tablets are more intuitive than a PC or laptop. They also have more real estate than a smartphone.

I weirdly love interior design and real estate and all of that. I really do. I get chills from it.

Real estate is my life. It is my day job, if you will. But it consumes my nights and weekends, too.

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